Page 55 of Jonathon, After All

He hummed happily as the tension faded from his limbs and spine and a smile spread across his lips. “Thank you. I’ve been thinking about what I should do next and I wondered if the two of you might…have any advice?” he attempted with an awkward wince. “I don’t really know how to ask a friend for help. You’re kind of my first,” he admitted.

Riley’s eyes grew huge and shimmered as he nodded. “Sure! We’d love to help and we’re lucky to be your first friends, Jonathon,” he said and Giles gave Jonathon a gentle punch on the arm.

“We’re very lucky. What can we do?”

“Thank you,” Jonathon replied, needing a moment to steady himself. “You two, and Milo and Luna, have been so kind. I think you might have saved my life,” he confessed with a watery laugh. “I was drowning after years of treading alone in the big, awful sea. And then, you two pulled me out. You’ve listened and never once did you judge me and you’ve helped me see that I’m not worthless. I don’t hate myself anymore and I want to be happy again.”

“Good. I think you’re brilliant,” Riley said with Giles nodding in agreement. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone, once you’re ready. A lot of us have been secretly rooting for you, because we thought your aunt was holding you hostage,” he whispered and cringed apologetically, making Jonathon gasp and shake his head.

He knew who Riley was referring to. Riley and Giles shared a big found family of queer friends that gravitated around Reid Marshall’s nanny agency. Jonathon had crossed paths with many of the Marshall Agency’s former nannies—including Riley—and their current spouses in the course of his many misadventures with Muriel.

“I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to meet me,” Jonathon said, widening his eyes at Riley sarcastically.

“They will, though!” he said with excited certainty. He wasn’t smoking but had been sipping from his glass as he listened. “You and the Tuckers are going to hit it off when they get back, they’re both artists. So is Agnes. You already know Agnes Cameron, don’t you?”

Jonathon nodded slowly. “Vaguely. Through my aunt. I don’t think she has a very high opinion of me. For good reason,” he added, but Riley waved it off.

“If there’s one thing Agnes knows, it’s that people usually aren’t what they seem and it’s never too late to make a fresh start. She’s the last person to judge someone because she had a pretty wild reputation before Penny.”

“Agnes is proud of her wild reputation, though,” Giles said, earning a chuckle from Riley.

“She should be. Agnes Cameron didn’t do anything that the average wealthy man doesn’t do. It’s just more acceptable to be a billionaire playboy than a playgirl.”

“I have always admired that about her,” Jonathon said. “She never let any of the gossip get to her and she’s always played by her own rules.”

“That’s what you should do,” Riley suggested and Jonathon shook his head.

“I’m not half as strong as she is. That’s why I’m thinking about leaving. If I can talk Aunt Muriel into it.”

“Where will you go?” Riley asked, sounding concerned.

Jonathon shrugged. “I’m not sure yet, but I was thinking Ireland might be nice.”

Riley’s jaw fell and he threw Giles a startled look. “Ireland?”

“No one will know me there,” Jonathon explained. “Muriel has an elderly lord friend with an old castle we could stay at.” He didn’t want them worrying about a repeat of the Schönbühel Affair.

“What about von Hessen?” Giles countered as he passed the blunt back to Jonathon.

“Right. About him…” Jonathon stalled, taking a long drag and holding it in until his lungs hitched and his head expanded like a balloon, making him giggle as he exhaled. “What if I just…didn’t?”

“Didn’t?” Riley asked and Jonathon nodded as he took another pull.

He forced the smoke out slowly, delighting in the tingling of his extremities and how light his whole body felt. “I think I could talk Muriel into sneaking away with me tomorrow night. We could be landing in Ireland before Leo even realizes we’ve left the city.”

“Don’t do that,” Giles said, shaking his head. “There’s still a chance you can work things out with the Margrave.”

“Is there?” Jonathon laughed, giving him a skeptical look. “What if I’d rather walk away and skip the whole messy reunion and another disappointing goodbye? I think I might have all the closure I need now, and anything more will just be ripping open old wounds.”

“You have to talk to him,” Riley urged, taking Jonathon’s hand in his. “You’ll regret it if you leave without talking to the Margrave. There could still be a happy ending after all of this,” he said with a wide, hopeful smile. “Don’t run away. Give Leo one more chance!” he whispered. “I think he’ll fight for you this time.”

Jonathon chewed on his lip, considering. “You might be right, but I’m not sure I want him to anymore.”


Leo’s request for an audience with his predecessor was answered almost immediately, delivered by Max himself. He surprised Leo by appearing in the penthouse’s downstairs hallway the following morning while he was “enjoying” another breakfast with his brothers.

“Sorry for the delay,” Max said as he hugged Theo and Matteo, then shook Leo’s hand before pulling him into a warm hug. “We’re helping the Tuckers with a…family matter, but I came as soon as I could,” he explained solemnly.