“I won’t!” Leo rasped, tears clinging to his lashes as they kissed. “One more time,” he demanded as he backed toward the armchair, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly.
“Are you sure we have time?” But Jonathon was already unbuttoning his jeans and toeing off his sneakers. “Sabine is probably looking for you,” he predicted, his tongue sliding around Leo’s. Then, Jonathon almost bit his tongue when he was lifted and his jeans were whisked off.
“She’s looking for her phone. I hid it and she was having her luggage brought back up to her room when I left her.”
“Leo!” Jonathon felt terrible for the trouble Leo had caused. Until Leo freed his cock and lowered into the armchair with Jonathon on his lap. “Might as well make it worth it,” he decided and shimmied down between Leo’s knees and moaned appreciatively, nuzzling and lapping at his hard-on and sac.
“Bitte!” Leo whispered as he cupped Jonathon’s cheek, guiding the head to his lips. “Oh, bitte, bitte, bitte,” he crooned tenderly.
Tears stung Jonathon’s eyes as he opened wide and took Leo deep into his throat, sucking slow and hard. He wanted time to stop and to stay there forever, listening to Leo beg and swear as his fingers sifted lovingly through Jonathon’s hair.
“Mein Liebster, mein Geliebter, mein Jonathon.”
Jonathon felt precious and perfect and loved, and he was sure they were meant to be together and nothing could keep them apart.
Perhaps that was the reason Jonathon had never gotten over Leo. He knew how to fuck someone so hard and so well, reality fractured and logic bent around Leo’s dick when he was balls-deep inside of them. Jonathon imagined that a good, sensual kiss goodbye could be as bad as a curse. But Leo had sealed Jonathon’s fate by rimming him until he was frantic and bending him over the back of their chair one last time. The wooden frame had snapped, along with Jonathon’s soul, as Leo came deep in his ass and vowed that it wasn’t the end.
From that moment on, Jonathon’s life had changed. They lingered as they dressed, kissing and murmuring plans to call and write as soon as they were alone, but that was the last time the two of them would ever speak. Tiny, whispering fears started tickling his ear when Leo tipped Jonathon’s chin back for one last kiss at the library door, warning that this was the last time.
“You will always be my Jonathon,” Leo had rumbled as he pecked, then opened the door and headed down the hallway in his quick confident stride.
“Always,” Jonathon had whispered and pulled in a deep breath, summoning his strength and blinking back tears before heading downstairs to give the most challenging performance of his life.
He smiled and whistled breezily as he skipped down the steps, offering Frau Fischer and her staff a pleasant smile. “Thank you so much for making this such a magical and memorable stay. You’ve all been so kind.”
“I’ll hope we’ll see you again soon, Mr. Hawthorne,” Frau Fischer had said warmly.
Jonathon turned and sucked in a breath at the stinging burn in his gut and the rush of dread he felt as he watched Leo say his goodbyes.
“Muriel,” Leo said, bowing over her hand. “It was a pleasure and you will always be welcome,” he had murmured with a wink, making Muriel chuckle as she kissed his cheek.
“I wasn’t sure about you, but I think you’ll do as the new Lord von Hessen,” she had teased before releasing Leo so he could say his farewells to Jonathon.
“Mr. Hawthorne.” His hand tightened around Jonathon’s, holding it firmly as Leo leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Meiner. Auf immer und ewig,” he murmured so only Jonathon could hear while smiling and nodding as if he were commenting on the traffic to Vienna.
Forever and always.
Jonathon almost broke then. The impulse to hold onto Leo and shout that he had changed his mind grew so strong, Jonathon’s knees almost buckled.
“Always,” Leo said quietly and Jonathon gave himself a mental slap.
He had to keep it together and they were in trouble if he was already having doubts.
They had made a pact and it would take a lot more than a few months and a few hundred miles to break it because Jonathon was made to love Leo and Leo had chosen Jonathon to be his forever and always. It was as simple as that and they would be together again, he told himself.
“Good luck in Vienna, sir,” Jonathon had replied with a slight bow and he heard Leo stifle a sigh before turning to thank Frau Fischer.
Jonathon lingered in the foyer until Leo headed out to the car, waiting to catch Sabine. She came racing from the east wing and down the stairs, her heels clicking rapidly on the marble.
“Finally found it!” she announced, bobbing a quick curtsy at everyone. “No idea how it ended up in my toiletry bag,” she said, narrowing her eyes at Frau Fischer, then nodding at Muriel as she turned for the door. “Ms. Hormsby, a pleasure. Mr. Hawthorne.” She winked at him. “I hope we’ll cross paths again soon,” she said with a wide smile.
“Actually, Sabine,” Jonathon said and took out the note he’d prepared with all of his contact information, looking around. “I wanted to catch you before you left. Leo said that I should call one of you if I ever needed anything, but he said the Foundation is confiscating his phone when he gets to Vienna and giving him all new devices and a new number.”
Sabine pulled a face as she reached into her tote bag and found her trusty notepad. “He’s still using that Blackberry. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to pry that relic out of his hands?” They exchanged weary sighs, laughing as she wrote down a number. “Security will be imperative after Vienna so all of his contact information will be secret, but I’ll make sure you have his new number. In the meantime, you can get a hold of me at any time and I’ll put you right through.”
“Thanks!” Jonathon pulled her into a tight, grateful hug, making her laugh.
“Of course,” she said as she squeezed him back. “This last month has been just what Leo needed. I’ve never seen him so relaxed and…happy. I always wish he would smile more and you seem to bring out the best in him.”