Page 21 of Bad Blood

“Did you check in?” I’m preoccupied, and I ignore his question and reference to the chaos on the screen.


“What’s taking so long?”

“I don’t know. Who do you think he’s talking about?” Liam, points at the TV.

“Who’s who talking about?”

He grabs a hold of my chin and directs me to look at the news broadcast. “Him.”

“It’s muted.”

“Read the captions.” I hear the eyeroll in his voice.

“So what?” I don’t know why I need to see this. There are two doctors named in a lawsuit. There was a death. They’re investigating.

“What if it is my doctor?”

My eyes scroll along with the words on the screen. They aren’t naming names. “Under investigation?”

“Yep. Here. It could be her.” He takes his eyes off the screen and gives me a furtive glance.

“It’s not. You have other things to worry about.” Like where the doctor is and why you haven’t been called back for your appointment.

I hate hospitals. I hate appointments. And I hate when people aren’t considerate of other people’s time.

The sound of the elevator catches our attention, and a woman sporting navy scrubs and a mess of wild brown hair exits in a hurry. I do a double take, only glimpsing her face before she jogs past us toward the double doors behind the nurses’ station.

And—fuck me.

Ten out of ten. Curves for days. And that ass—I continue admiring it until Liam waves a hand in front of my face, trying to catch my eye.

He’s too damn observant.

Focus, Dax. Shit.

“You can pick your jaw up now,” Liam mumbles as he drops a magazine into my lap. “Here. This will distract you while we wait.”

I groan. “I don’t need a distraction.”

“Stop staring.”

“I’m not.” I tear my eyes from her for a second and glare at him. “I’m appreciating.”

She steals a glance over her shoulder, and I catch her eye for a flash, giving her an inviting smile. Definitely a ten out of ten. Hazel eyes, heart-shaped lips. I readjust in my seat, thankful for the cover of the magazine.

“You’re staring. It’s obvious.” He waves at her, making the situation awkward.

“Shut up.” I’ve never hooked up with a nurse, but there’s a first time for everything. Besides, what’s the likelihood she’s going to work with Liam? No one ever said the rest of the staff is off-limits.

A pinkish hue fills her cheeks as she swipes her badge next to the door and grabs the handle, her slim waist and perfect ass disappearing from view.

She seems flustered. I can only imagine what the stress of having reporters here is doing to her. I’m sure everyone around here is on edge. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the news earlier.

Liam punches me in the arm. “Dude, you’re drooling.”

“Do you blame me?”