Page 189 of Bad Blood

“Stay the fuck away from her,” Dax snarls, rearing back to land a kick in Kline’s stomach.

The door of the lounge flies open, and a crowd enters. My eyes land on Hudson, but he’s stuck behind the group. Screams and yells boom throughout the room, but I don’t focus on what they’re saying. Someone races toward Dax, trying to restrain him, but he yanks out of their grasp and slams back into Kline, grabbing him by the shirt again and throwing him down on the floor.

Two security guards grab Dax by the arms and haul him away from Kline.

“I’m fine. I’m done.” He shrugs them off, wiping his forearm across his chin. They let him go, and he glares at Kline before scooping his hat off the floor and re-situating it on his head.

Kline charges Dax and slams into him as they fall over the table and chairs.

It all happens so fast. There’s a snap and a deformity as Dax’s shoulder dislocates, and he shrieks in pain, before he crumples to the floor, Kline half-landing on top of him.

I race to Dax’s side as his eyes roll back in his head and his eyelids flutter, his face ghost white.

Someone grabs me and hauls me away from him.

“Let go! Let go!” I yell, trying to break free.

“Dr. Fields. Stop. Dr. Fields!” I jerk to the sound of my name and find Hudson pulling me away. “He’s gonna be fine. Calm down.”

“I need to help him.”

Lauren rushes to my side and takes my face in her hands. I flinch at her touch, the soreness in my jaw manifesting quicker than expected.

My lungs expand and contract, but no air is getting in. I’m dizzy and sit up, trying to orient myself. The black spots come, and Lauren is there.

The sensation of my body coming in contact with the cool linoleum is the last thing I remember before the overwhelming smell of ammonia fills my nose. Lauren’s wide, dark eyes meet mine as she cradles my head in her lap.

“You’re going to be alright. I’m not going anywhere.” Her hand brushes against my cheek, and she gives someone towering over us a stinted smile. “I think she’s in shock.”

Her face goes in and out of focus. I close my eyes, and my thoughts go fuzzy. Vomit is on my tongue and splashing the floor before I can stop it. I wipe a hand over my mouth as the tears pour down my face, and trembling overtakes my body.

“That’s not how things were supposed to happen.” My voice comes out as a plea.

“I know.” She shushes me. “I know.”

I push against the floor with one hand and sit across from her, wrapping my arms around my legs. Some hairs fall loose, and I duck my head to hide my face as I wipe a hand across my cheeks. This can’t be happening.

She stands, reaching her hand out for me to take. I grab it, and she pulls me to my feet. I get a quick smile as she brushes loose hair behind my ear. “Look at me. Are you okay? Oh, my god.” She races to the sink and soaks a towel under the running water. She brings it back, directing me to lean against the counter. “I told you this was a bad idea.”

“What happened to letting me know he was coming?” I take the rag from her hand, dabbing it over my cut lip. She snatches it back when she sees me wince and blots it over my left cheekbone.

“I tried. You didn’t answer.” The other buzz from my phone. Maybe it wasn’t a reminder after all.

Hudson eyes me and makes his way to the opposite side of the lounge as his partner directs everyone else out of the room.

“HR will take care of him. Sit here while I get some gauze.” Lauren pulls out a chair.

My head flies up. “For what?”

Shock registers across her face, but she says nothing. She takes hold of my hand, the one holding the towel, and lifts it in front of my eyes. I stare at the stains, and my stomach gets queasy again. That’s a lot of blood.

Oxygen is overrated. A strange sensation washes over me, and my head spins. I glance over, seeing Dax ushered to a chair as my eyes blur. I bury my head in my hands, hearing multiple footsteps scurry past. I shake my head back and forth, pinching my eyes closed—if I don’t react to this, maybe it’ll all go away.

I bring my hand to the back of my head as pain shoots through my skull. My mind tries to grasp onto what Kline said, but everything happened so fast. There’s something else going on here, but I can’t put my finger on it.

What am I’m missing? What was he trying to warn me about?

Lauren kneels, setting a comforting hand on my knee. “The detectives can take it from here. I told you not to get involved and look at what happened.”