“You fucking bitch.”
“Is that what you said to Carrie? Tara?”
Confusion bleeds into his eyes, and he lets me go as he takes a step back. His sudden understanding of what I’m implying is clear when our eyes meet.
“You think I did that?” Disbelief and pain spread across his face as he pushes his glasses up the crook of his nose, shakes his head, and curls his hands into fists. “What’s wrong with you?”
My phone chimes with the unchecked text, and red-hot anger climbs Kline’s neck. He rushes toward me, taking the phone from my pocket and hurling it across the lounge. We both watch as it slides across the floor and lands next to the door.
“You have a wild imagination, but I would never.” He stalks toward me and stops in front of me to where I’ve creeped a couple inches along the counter. “I was keeping track. Like. You. You showed this to Luca.”
“And the detectives.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing, what you’ve gotten yourself into. This isn’t just about the murders anymore. Or the malpractice. You’ll look as guilty as I do.”
I reach for the door handle, and Kline steps in front of me.
“But I had nothing to do with any of this.”
“It’s your word against mine.” He flaps the sheet of paper in my face. “You were present for every case and every surgery. Your signature is at the bottom of every note. Did you do this?” He points at the five names I scrawled next to his list of patients and chuckles.
“I know you’re involved.” I pinch my lips together and straighten my spine.
“You’re an accomplice.” A cocky grin spreads across his face. “You’ve known for too long and haven’t done anything.” He pinches my jaw, and I groan from the force as I try to pry back his fingers. I grab a hold of his wrist, trying to get him to let go, but it doesn’t help. He tightens his grip and leans in closer. He set me up. And my reaction gives me away. “Why don’t you listen to me?” he asks, voice tight. He drops his hand, my face burning.
“You dated them. They’re dead. You said to watch out, and I dug deeper.” The words pour from my mouth, along with flecks of spit, as I flex my jaw and try to rub away the ache.
“I told you to keep your mouth shut.” The foul smell of his breath tumbles over my face, and I cringe, trying to suck in air through my mouth.
“You didn’t think I could figure it out, but I did.” Seconds after the words are out of my mouth, I wish I could take them back. The look I get says that egging him on is not in my best interest.
“Don’t make me remind you I can break every bone in your body”—he grabs my chin and jerks me to face him, stabbing a finger to my chest—“while naming them.”
“You’re hurting me.”
“That’s the point.” He traces a finger down the side of my face, and I pinch my eyes together.
Hudson, where are you?
Voices echo on the other side of the door, followed by footsteps, and my eyes whip toward it. The two of us pause as we listen. I silently beg for someone to come in, but the sound of their voices grows hazy as they continue down the hall and away from here.
“Fuck!” Kline bares his teeth. He lets me go and stalks around the room. He weaves his hands behind his head and smiles at me when he makes eye contact. The sound of a crunch makes me recoil when his shoe connects with my laptop.
He narrows his eyes and slams his hand onto the back of a chair, sending it flying across the room. My body coils like a spring when he comes closer. “You and your big mouth. You don’t think I know what’s going on? After all I’ve done for you?”
“I never asked you to.” A tear slips down my cheek as I try to stop the quiver in my voice.
“Where would you be today without me, huh? Behind bars? You think what I’ve been doing with my patients is any different from the stunt you pulled?”
“I wasn’t trying to hurt Collins. What you’re doing is different.”
“But Collins is dead. And you did that.” The comment is so matter-of-fact that I don’t know what to do with it. He’s not wrong, but there’s so much more that he doesn’t know.
“And I still wouldn’t change the treatment I chose for him.”
“I’m sure his family would love to hear that. Should we have them reopen the case? Maybe they’ll figure out we covered it all up.” His eyes meet mine.
“You covered it up.” I refuse to blink, even though my eyes ache.