Page 19 of Bad Blood

It’s Lauren.

My next breath comes easy.

“I have some messages for you.”

I rush to the door and open it. She doesn’t wait to be invited in as she reads off the slips. “There’s a Mr. Blakely who has some questions pertaining to an appointment at nine o’clock, and radiology at Lenox Hill has new patient reports to send over. You also have a meeting at two.” She glances at the clock on the opposite wall and humphs her disapproval. She hates me running late almost as much as I do.

I straighten my tape dispenser and align it with the stapler, my thoughts all over the place, everywhere except on my patients and my schedule for the day—until her words click into place.

“Blakely?” I straighten the charts on my desk into a neat pile before setting them in the basket in the corner. I wanted to prepare for his case better, and with everything else on my mind, it took a back seat. And now I don’t have time.

“The brother would like to see you before the appointment.” She pauses, reading the paper from below her glasses frame. “He wants some information. Seems a little pushy and high maintenance.”

She treks across the room and offers me the handwritten notes. The time of each message is at the top of the papers. Three calls in less than ten minutes. What is it with this guy, thinking his needs are more important than my other patients? And why is the brother calling, anyway?

Lauren clears her throat, waiting for instruction.

I smile at her. “Tell Mr. Blakely I’ll be a few more minutes.”

“You’ll see him?” Her mouth falls open, and she grabs the edge of my desk, surprised that I’m stepping outside of our well-oiled system.

“The patient, yes. The curious brother, no. He can wait like everyone else.” I stand and round my desk, stopping next to Lauren, and cross my arms over my chest. The rest hangs unsaid. But it’s not computing.

Her brow barely lifts.

“Anything else?” I offer a curt smile.

“I’ll get him in a room and start the paperwork.” She walks into the hall, leaving my door open. I grit my teeth, forcing myself to count to ten before I blow a gasket. I don’t know how many times I’ve told her to close the damn thing when she leaves my office.

I return to the computer and pull up the email Dr. Gibbons’ office sent over. Between finding cases relevant to today’s meeting and dreading what Kline had to say about it, I haven’t had time to think about this damn referral.

Now that it’s here, I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with another case like my brother’s. I shouldn’t have accepted it. I know this, but it’s just as easy to refer him to someone else after my initial assessment. There’s no need to break protocol and keep him, especially because I’m sure every one of my choices is being dissected.

Damn Kline. I hate being in the limelight.

I never expected outright fraud or criminal deviation from the Hippocratic oath, but I have noticed some concerning patterns. Little slipups where there were no repercussions, scheduling snafus, paperwork hangups, and hiring issues.

The more I think about it, the more I’m curious if any of this plays into the timeline of his divorce. Not that it’s an excuse, but something is different. He’s always been an ass, but with the hell his ex has put him through, it seems like he’s cracking under the pressure.

Screw it. I’m going downstairs to give this information to Luca, whether or not it implicates me. My main concern is our patients and keeping them safe. I reach into the filing cabinet and pull the three files out, stuffing them between the charts for today’s clinic.

I leap from my desk with new determination. Luca needs to see these now. I flick off the light and lock my office behind me. I turn the corner at the end of the hall and collide with Kline.

He steadies me with both hands on my upper arms. “Is there a fire in the building?”

Abort mission! Abort mission!

I crack a tentative smile. “Running late for clinic.”

His eyes darken when they shift to the files as I pull them to my chest, leaving me with a deep need for the earth to swallow me whole.

A smile breaks over his face. “My offer still stands.”

I’m unbearably curious about what he means, and he must read it on my face.

“I’m here if you have questions,” he says.

But getting these files to Luca is all my mind wants to dwell on. Handing him all the information I find is the only way I’m going to be able to clear my name. I cock my head to the side and cut my losses. “We can discuss it later.” I step around him and walk backward toward the main floor, not taking my eyes off him.