Dead End
Friday, June 9 th
8:52 p.m.
Some things are better left unsaid. Unfortunately, I usually realize this after the fact.
“I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“Hot date?”
I freeze with my hand on the doorknob, my hoodie half pulled over my head. Guess my racing around the apartment is a dead giveaway I’m eager to leave.
Of course the woman of my dreams would have to be Liam’s gorgeous forbidden doctor, who could be a possibility—but isn’t—and it’s too late to take back that I’ve let things get out of hand. I’ll have to tell Liam what’s going on with Brighton eventually, but now is not the time.
He wouldn’t understand. And I don’t think it’s the time to explain.
“Grabbing dinner. Want soup?” This unexpected conversation is going to make me a little late. I said eight-thirty to tease her but wanted her to sweat.
The corner of his mouth twists in disgust. “Not interested.” He turns the volume of the TV back up and settles into the cushion. That was close.
Guilt settles into the pit of my stomach. I hate to leave him, but he’ll be out before I return, for sure.
“I’ll be back in a little while. Text if you change your mind.”
I wish I could take back what happened. What if she decides the kiss was a mistake? What if she changes her mind about treating Liam? I guess I wouldn’t blame her. Why would she compromise her job? Dammit, I wish I hadn’t mentioned going out tonight. I’m gonna feel like an idiot if she changes her mind and sends me away.
I shoot Liam a quick text as I jam my finger into the elevator.
Me: If I get soup, will you try to eat it?
Three dots bounce at the bottom of the screen. Disappear. And reappear. It’s not hard to agree to my request. I don’t know why he has to put more thought into a response than is necessary.
Liam: Sure.
I hate that word. Sure. It sounds so indecisive. Like yeah, maybe I will, maybe I won’t. It’s up in the air. Uncertain.
And I am kicking myself for not staying home. Not because I’m embarrassed by my decision to see her but because I’m scared to death by how Liam will react once he figures out what’s going on. And I have every intention of explaining how my rash decision was a mistake and that it won’t happen again. Even if that’s the last thing I want.
My phone vibrates, and the screen lights up.
Liam: Don’t forget the crispy things.
I should have let things between me and Brighton run their course, but now things need to go back to how they were before, and I have to remember to treat her as Liam’s doctor. I wave for a cab and wait as one pulls to the curb.
Me: I thought they made you sick
I instantly regret pushing send. Liam acts like he’s doing fine, but I’ve noticed the things he doesn’t mention. Like the tufts of hair in the trash. His uneaten food. How he sleeps all the time. I wish I could take back what I texted him. It’s too bad I can’t erase our conversation.
Liam: Depends on if it’s hot or cold
I can appreciate the effort he puts into trying to act normal. If he didn’t have something smartass to say, I’d start to worry.
“This is as far as I can take you,” the cabbie says, pulling me out of my thoughts as I push send on my last text.
Me: Be home soon