Page 40 of Bad Blood

Kline intercepts him with a hand on his arm. “We need to ramp up security. I won’t tolerate my people’s lives being in danger.”

Luca swallows and pulls his arm away. “Where’s security?”

Two men step forward as he makes his way to me.

“Are you okay? You found her?”

I nod. “Can I go home?”

“No, not yet. The police are still canvasing the hospital. I don’t think it’s wise to go anywhere on your own. What a tragedy.” He wipes a hand down his face. “This is a liability nightmare.”

“Do you have a minute? We need your statement.” The detective questioning Kline steps behind Luca, directing the question at me.

Kline speaks up. “She’s been through enough, don’t you think?”

My heart races and my head spins. Why is he speaking for me? The floor tilts as the air in my lungs is sucked out of me. I gasp, trying to act normal. What if they all suspect me? It’s pathetic that I can’t control my thoughts or my reactions. I can’t slip up. Not now. Not when everyone is watching me. I need to push through and give a statement because it’s the right thing to do to show I care for the life that was lost.

“You found the body?” he says, ignoring Kline.

My mouth is dry, and no matter how hard I try, nothing comes out.

“Would you prefer to do this at the precinct?” The detective’s words are not a threat. Understanding creeps into his eyes as he extends a hand, ushering me away from the crowd. “Do you need a second?”

I shake my head and clear my throat. “Dr. Pendegrass was alive when she came out of the stairwell.”

I glance up at Kline, and his eyes beg me to stay silent. There’s something off in them I can’t put my finger on, but it causes me to pause.

The detective perks up. “Did she say anything to you?”

Heat courses up my neck and envelops my face. I replay the scene over and over in my mind, but the words still make no sense. My gaze settles on Kline, and we keep our eyes locked as I answer. “She mumbled something, but I couldn’t make it out.”

Kline slumps against the counter, burying his head in his hands. I can’t tell if it’s from relief or that I’ve let him down.

The ding of the elevator pulls everyone’s attention from me. My body involuntarily sags with relief. Not being able to decipher what she said is already haunting my thoughts.

Chris Jenks takes a step from the elevator, all smiles. “The people have a right to know what’s going on at this damn hospital.” His eyes bounce from face to face, landing on the poorly covered body. “Holy shit.” His words trail off as he covers his mouth.

“Who the hell let him up here?” Luca yells toward the security guards as they rush up to Jenks. They take him under the arms and force him back toward the elevators. He thrashes against them, trying to get a view of the scene beside him.

“Has the victim been identified? Is it a staff member of the hospital? A patient?” He fires off the questions, not waiting to get answers. “Has a suspect been apprehended?”

The guard jams his finger into the down arrow, and the elevator doors slide open. He forces Jenks onto the platform and joins him inside, pushing what I assume to be the button to take them downstairs. Jenks wrenches his arm free as he staggers back to lean against the wall, and the guard shakes his head. I’m only half-present, my mind shifting between watching the commotion in front of me and losing myself to thoughts of who could have done this.

A look of confusion and shock settles into the two lines that appear between the guard’s dark brows as his shoulders sag. I’m not the only one unraveling.

The doors glide together as Jenks dives forward, pulling the emergency button, and the elevator doors halt, half-open. He slips from between them, the husky guard unable to follow because of his size. The guard’s mouth falls open with a yelp of shock as he jams an arm through the gap, grasping the corner of Jenks’ shirt.

Jenks slips free and smiles a cocky, sideways grin as he brushes his hands down his sides.

I’m not sure what Jenks is thinking but police are on him before he can right himself from stumbling out of the guard’s grasp. He bounces on his toes to get another look at the body.

When our eyes meet, his lips twitch into a serpentine grin. “Dr. Fields, wherever you go, chaos seems to follow.”

I narrow my eyes.

“Get him out of here. Now.” Kline’s authoritative tone leaves nothing to be argued. Luca nods toward the detectives as they direct Jenks back to the elevator to ensure it leaves the floor.

“Thank you.”