Chapter Nine

Shanna was happy with the progress she’d made on her new series of paintings. She’d sketched quick outlines of the original structures on four different canvases from the picture book that Wes had found for her months ago when she’d first been considering the idea. Shanna would complete the painting of the house with the basement first, since someone had purchased the property and was living there now. More than likely, the place couldn’t be used by Wes’ accomplices anymore, so she’d complete that portrait first.

Questions always ran through her mind. She’d wondered at first why someone from the organization had never purchased the property since it had been for sale. Wes had unintentionally given her that answer the other day without her even having to ask why.

Supposedly, former FBI agent Jake Loughlin constantly scoured the town for signs of trafficking, because occasionally, someone from Wes’ organization slipped up. But there was always someone new who came along to replace the screw ups, even though their efficiency had been slipping through the years because of having to replace the many traffickers who’d been caught.

Shanna glanced at the clock on the wall. It was getting late, and Wes would be arriving soon to pick her up so she could plug her next round of artwork at the mall in downtown Crystal Rock.

She’d painted a series of watercolors depicting many of the local landmarks as well as several successful businesses that had been around for years. This kind of artwork appeared to be pretty popular with the local merchants, so she’d kept on painting them in abundance. Not only were they easy to crank out, but being productive kept Wes from thinking she was slacking off while she worked on her oils. Just because he’d didn’t appear to have eyes on her now, didn’t mean that it wasn’t possible for him to set up a living situation that would be much more uncomfortable for her if he had reason.

She stood, squinting her eyes as she studied each of the canvases. The structures all looked good proportion wise. She’d begin mixing the oils sometime tomorrow providing Wes wasn’t planning on another expedition into town next week.

* * *

Dressed in slightly baggy jeans and a zip sweatshirt with a t-shirt beneath, Shanna wore her short brown-haired wig with oversized sunglasses covering her eyes. Her artwork was wrapped and neatly stacked in boxes at the end of the pier. Wes would be happy that she had over a dozen different framed pictures to leave at the mall on consignment.

He appeared to be in a good mood as he drove his cruiser toward the dock, gearing down the motor and coasting expertly alongside.

Wes looked at the boxes approvingly. “You got a lot done since last week.”

“Those picture books really helped me out. It was easier to come up with the images when I didn’t have to rely completely on memory,” she agreed, handing over the boxes to him in the cruiser and stepping inside once they were all loaded up.

“So, I guess it would be helpful if I picked up some other picture books for you?” Wes asked, revving up the engine, but coasting only on half speed through the water, making it easier to converse.

“From what you’ve said, the local images seem to be selling best, but images of lighthouses or other landmarks from the state might sell well. Maybe we should ask the owner of the gallery what people ask for?”

Pursing his lips, Wes nodded. “That’s a good idea. You’re probably running low on paints again?”

She grimaced. “I could probably use some new brushes too.”

“Make me a list. Does that supply catalog I found work for you?”

“It does,” she answered. “You know what else might be helpful?”


“They sell carriers for paintings with handles that will protect them when you’re moving them around. Kind of like a large briefcase. It might be easier to use them during rough weather. The gallery owner can frame the images with his own stock.”

Wes became thoughtful. “Do they have the cases in the catalog?”


“I’ll see how expensive they are, but that would work. He said something at the gallery about using his own frames, didn’t he?” Wes asked.

“Yes, and it would save me a lot of time, not to frame the watercolors. Now that I’m going to start working with oils, I’d rather just frame those.”

“Okay. I can work with that,” Wes agreed. “As long as they keep selling.”

“Thank you,” she said.

He looked at her oddly now that she had her sunglasses off. Wes must have sensed her depression. It washed over her at the strangest times. Usually, she could keep her emotions under control, but today she was feeling glum. Plus, she hadn’t been sleeping well, so there were dark shadows under her eyes.

Another twenty minutes later, they walked into the mall, but as they strolled by the window of the gallery, Shanna was shocked to see a familiar face inside.

Quickly, she lifted the box that she was carrying, hiding her face behind it.

“Wes,” she whispered. “There’s someone I know inside the gallery. That woman over there who’s talking with the owner.”