“Mum, I understand yer sure of yerself, but I still have to question. As I said, I dinnae trust anything right now. Aye, I trust ye, but I have to confirm what yer saying. This means there could be answers out there, someone who has dealt with this before.”
“Sadly, my dear, I think everyone who has dealt with this is dead. But there’s no doubt it’s happened before. It seems a piece of history that’s been kept from our books.”
“Then how to do we find out what’s going on between Kade and me?” Kelly cut in.
“You study and complete your bonding first. Then the two of you can travel the world in search of answers. You’re not safe, not until you’re bonded.”
Frustration began to consume her over the bonding. Why did that change everything, she wondered.
“Because, when ye go through yer bonding, ye lay claim to yer power. Ye show all the idiots out there that ye ken what yer doing by bonding to yer power. All those books ye read dinnae tell ye that there are different levels and types of power for each affinity. Ye can bond to evil, or ye can bond to peace. Ginna willnae tell ye because she cannae legally influence ye in any way; all she can do is teach ye what is right. Everyone else out there wants to bend yer will, yer view of the world, and bond ye to the power that suits their needs.”
Anger flooded her. “So I’m just a pawn?”
“Yes, dear, to them you are a pawn. To us, to this group of Arcane, you are you. We believe you will bond to the power you were meant for. We don’t need to influence you in any way. All we need to do is support you and you will find your way.”
“No pressure.” She chuckled. “So all I have to do is make it years to my bonding, then I’ll be free to explore the world and find out more about what Kade and I share?”
Fabian walked into the kitchen. “I do not think it will be years, Warrior.”
“There you go with your veiled messages again.” Kelly rolled her eyes. “Either way, we’re back to square one. I need to learn more so I can complete my bonding, and Kade and I need to figure out what the fuck is going on between us.”
“It is not veiled. I said I did not think it would be years. That is a simple and factual statement.”
Sometimes, Fabian made her want to scream.
Ginna came in then. “Hey, Rookie, I’m headed out to visit a friend since I have the day off with you. Anything you need while I’m out?”
“Sanity, with a side of patience.”
“I’ll see what I can find. Typically, the only thing everyone offers is diabetes and high blood pressure. I’ll do my best, though.”
“Thanks, Ginna.” Even though they were joking, she meant it. If Ginna could find something to help Kelly, she would.
“No problem. Y’all don’t have too much fun without me!”
Ginna whistled happily as she went out the front door. It made Kelly thankful she’d taken the day off. She clearly wasn’t the only one who needed it.
“Well, I’m going to follow Ginna’s lead and enjoy my day.” Kelly got up and took her plate to the sink. “Siri, thank you so much for sharing what you learned with us, and for being here. It means a lot to me.”
Siri stood and hugged her. “I’m glad I came, dear. You’re ruffling quite a few feathers, something no one has done in centuries. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Kelly passed the day watching movies and reading. Everyone in the house went about their business, making it really hard for her to relax as they all worked and scurried about.
She did take some time to jot down a few ideas for gaining support, just to scratch the itch to solve a problem, but she mainly followed everyone’s orders to relax.
The house was so chaotic that everyone worked through dinner, which was a first since Kelly had joined them. Meals always brought them together to talk about their day and shoot the shit. It concerned her that no one even considered hanging out in the kitchen for dinner. One by one, the habitants of the house came down, grabbed whatever Asta had ordered for them, and disappeared again.
When her favorite romantic comedy ended, Kelly went to the kitchen to grab her food. Asta had ordered her favorite salad, and she sent silent thanks to the marvelous woman. Just as she was about to go back to the couch, she realized Ginna’s name was on the last container of food.
Reaching out to Kade, she asked if he knew when Ginna would be back, but he wasn’t sure.
Something felt off. Ginna didn’t seem the type to stay out all day long to shop or enjoy time to herself.
She pulled her phone from her pocket and sent a quick text to her mentor. “Hey, your food is here. Where are you?”
For good measure, she fired one off to Asta too. “Have you seen Ginna this afternoon? Did she have more to do after her lunch?”