“Got a shift at the bar, but you could come, keep me company. Practice for the Exhibition. It’s coming up fast.”
She grimaced, dropping her hand. Something on her skin caught her eye. The bottom fell out of her stomach. “Oh, my Goddess.”
She jerked her arm out, appalled. “Look at that.”
He twisted his head to read the new tattoo on her wrist. Passion. A grin lit up his face. “Huh.”
She shook it as if it would erase itself like a Magic 8 Ball prediction. “How am I going to explain this?”
“In great, flattering detail.” He shoved up his sleeve, looked. “Hey, I have one, too.”
She covered her eyes. “I’m going to have to move. How can I face your mother with that on my arm?” A thought occurred and she dropped her hands, appalled. “What is Tia going to say?”
“‘Lucky you’?”
She groaned and flopped onto the bed.
Bastian was in love. The feeling washed over him as he stared into eyes so perfectly echoing what he felt. He’d thought he might be more alarmed when he fell in love for the first time, but this was just right, a click inside him.
He twisted his head to look at Emma. “I’m in love.”
The double take she gave him was amusing enough to have his lips tilt into a grin. “What?” she choked out.
“I want her.” He pointed at the three-legged tabby sitting politely in its enclosure. Unlike the others, she didn’t parade in front of the glass, meowing for attention or scratching at the door.
Emma looked between him and the cat. “Oh. Hallie?”
Hallie. “Can we get her out?”
“Ah...sure.” Emma slid the bolt from home and swung the glass open. “Hey, Hall. Want to see a gentleman caller?”
Crooning to the cat, she slid her hands under the body and scooped her up. The cat was on the small side and went easily, solemn eyes regarding them both. Emma held her out.
Bastian took her as carefully as a bomb, stroking a hand along her back. A deep purr vibrated through his hand.
He’d walked Emma into the shelter, asking for a tour, not really because he wanted to see the sad faces of all the unwanted animals, but because he’d been weirdly reluctant to leave her side, enjoying spending time with her.
She’d been weirdly negative and had tried to shoo him off, then when it had been clear he wouldn’t be shooed, had been twisting this way and that all tour. She’d hustled him past all the workers and had pushed him through a lot of areas.
Amused by her awkwardness, which he could only assume was fueled by embarrassment, he’d been ready to let her be and head home, until he’d felt the spark. Like seeing a match flare across the room. He’d followed it and it had led him here.
She was his. He knew it. He could already feel a bond, shadowy but there. All it would take was the small ritual and the cat’s acceptance and they would be forever linked. She would lend him support, both emotional and magical, and he would offer her safety and love.
Emma’s smile was affectionate as she looked at him cradling his soon-to-be familiar. “She likes you, and she’s particular.”
“I have a way with particular females.”
Emma only arched her eyebrows.
He continued to stroke Hallie, an odd emotion tightening his chest. “I want her,” he repeated.
“As in to adopt?” Surprise flashed in Emma’s eyes.
He nodded. “I can feel her, Emma. She’s mine.” Even saying it made the tight feeling expand.
“As a familiar?” A small frown nestled in between eyebrows now drawn low. “Are you sure?”