Page 127 of The Witch is Back

“He wanted me to have veto power?”

“As if you would exercise it.”

“Did he put it in the contract?” Her throat was tight, echoing her chest. Had she missed something? Breathing became a struggle as she half rose. “Did he?”

Clarissa glared at her. “That doesn’t matter because even if he did add it, you would not be exercising it.”

“What happens if I veto the marriage?” Tiny drummers drilled a beat inside her head. “Would Bastian’s mom be okay?”

“Emmaline...” The answer was mingled with warning.

“But...” Emma felt her insides shrink as Clarissa turned the queen of all black looks on her. The pounding behind her eyes was quicker, harder, a rapid heartbeat. Her hands shook as she swallowed back the need to obey.

Not now. Not now.

She forced the question out. “Is there—Are you saying there’s a clause in the contract that allows me to v-veto the engagement with no consequences?”

Her mother hissed like a spitting fire. “You will not speak of this. You are getting married to a Truenote. We will become a Higher family. I will have that power.”

Dizzy, Emma dropped back to the chair. A hand fluttered at her throat. “I could end it?” She could give Bastian back his life. His choices. To be free of her and her family.

“Emmaline, I am warning you. Put it out of your mind.” Clarissa turned calculating, waving a hand in the vague direction of the ballroom. “I see the way you look at him. You’ve fallen for him. Do you think he would choose to be with you if he didn’t have the engagement contract? You want him? This is the way.”

She felt sick. And she needed to get out of here. Look at the contract. Stick her head under cold water. Try not to cry.

Emma rose, making for the door. Her hand was on the doorknob when Clarissa stayed her with a slashing gesture, the telekinetic vise clamping down and crushing Emma’s ribs. She made a pained noise, hand spasming around the metal handle. “Let me go.”

“I knew when I’d discovered what your idiot father had done that you’d ruin this. I’m not having it. Promise me you will forget any idiotic ideas about vetoing this match.”

Thoughts turning jumbled, needing to get out, Emma did something she’d never done before. Reaching out through their link, she pulled on her bond with Chester. His love, joy, strength wrapped around her as her familiar’s small gifts combined with her own magic. Power flooded her veins for one hot, bright second. It was all she needed. With a thought, she broke through her mother’s hold.

It was more luck and surprise than skill, but she didn’t pause as she created a portal and escaped through it, her mother’s threats echoing behind her.

Emma didn’t go home. She had no idea what she’d do if she saw Bastian, not with this knowledge tumbling around in her head.

Was it true?

She needed a copy of the contract. Fortunately, both families had one as per the arrangement. Her dad’s arrangement. Had her dad really given her the option to veto the contract when she was of age?

It was something he’d do, she admitted as she stole upstairs in the Bluewater manor to her mother’s office. Go against her mother’s wishes without being overt about it. The last laugh. Quietly triumphant. That was her dad. Especially if he’d seen the Joining clause written in. After all, he’d been trapped in a loveless marriage. It had taken her time, but Emma could now be happy he’d found some small measure of joy with Sloane’s mom. Anyone stuck with Clarissa deserved it.

A twist of love and longing powered her through the office door and to the family safe on the wall. Clarissa hadn’t bothered to hide it because it was keyed to family magic only—and it didn’t house anything of extreme importance. Emma was sure there were other safes she didn’t know about. Clarissa probably had the Hope Diamond and Amelia Earhart locked away somewhere.

She placed a hand on the cold metal of the safe door. “Anelectum.”

An electric shock buzzed her skin and the safe clicked open. Emma sorted through the papers, keeping her mind on task, wanting to get in and get out before her mother thought to look for her here.

She grabbed the black folder when she saw it, the gold shimmer of Emma’s and Bastian’s family crests on the cover. Packing the papers she’d moved out of the way back in, she shut the door and relocked it.

Then she stood still, unsure where to go. Home was out, at least until she knew what was what. The bar was the next place someone would think to look for her. It left only one place she could think of.

It was past midnight when she emerged from a portal onto the quiet beach she’d last been to after her blowup at Bastian. She’d wondered then how they’d move forward. Things had got so good and in the space of an evening, now they were...

Refusing to continue that thought, Emma dropped to the ground, tucking her legs under her as she sat cross-legged. She conjured a small ball of light after a quick look to make sure she was alone and then stared at the black folder in her hands.

“Just do it.” Rip the Band-Aid.

Twenty minutes later, the folder was next to her and she had her knees drawn up, arms resting on them, head propped on her arms as she stared out to Lake Michigan.