Kole blanched. “Ah, man. Leah. I don’t want to know that.”
“Well, it’s a factor.”
“Shit.” Kole rubbed the back of his neck. Bastian felt like rubbing his, as awkward as Emma’s big brother. “There is the whole leaving thing.”
Okay, that was enough. “Sorry to interrupt.” Bastian cut a gaze between them. “What in the hell are you two doing?”
“We’re discussing whether you get our vote with Emma.” Leah lifted a hand, shushed him. “I vote yes, provided he promise not to hurt her.”
“Do I get to be part of this conversation?”
Kole ignored Bastian’s irritated question. “The fact is that he abandoned her before and he’s planning on leaving again at some point. Emma told me about his archaeology work.” Bastian found himself the subject of stern blue eyes. “Right? You’re into that stuff.”
“Yeah. But I’m not planning on going anywhere. Not yet. And when I do, I’ll talk to Emma.”
Leah and Kole exchanged a look. Finally Kole turned to him. “Promise not to hurt her.”
Annoyance washed over him. “I’m getting tired of people assuming I’m going to hurt her. What about if she hurts me?”
Kole looked interested. “Could she?”
Bastian thought of Emma and his heart constricted.
“O-kay.” Kole drummed his hands on the counter. “So, I came here tonight to tell you to back off. She’s been hurt by you before and I don’t want to watch it happen again.”
Bastian opened his mouth, indignant.
Kole lifted a hand and a telekinetic force slammed Bastian’s mouth shut.
“Fair’s fair,” his soon-to-be brother-in-law said mildly. “I was going to tell you that. But the gooey look on your face just now has me questioning things. So, here’s the deal: I want to like you. Leah likes you.”
Leah gave him a thumbs-up and sauntered over to a beckoning customer.
“She’s a good judge of character. For a human. My sister seems lighter this visit. Could be age, could be you. But she’s happier. I want her to be happy. You know how to work hard—for a Higher son, anyway—you don’t brag about your magic, you can shoot the shit. And you can stand up to my mother. That’s important. Emma can trust you to be there for her. I just don’t know if that’s temporary.” Kole exhaled. “So, I guess we’ll see.” He paused and, very carefully, said, “She say anything to you about Sloane?”
“The human? Yeah, I met her. Why?”
Kole examined him and a muscle popped in his jaw. “Nothing, I guess. Just... Emma loves that kid, she’s important to her.”
Bastian had no idea what this was about, but he did know Emma loved Kole. As with Tia, it would be good to have Kole on his side.
“Okay,” he said slowly.
“Have you had the contract discussion?”
He straightened, on high alert. “What about the contracts? What do you know?”
Kole settled back, head tilted. “What do you know?”
“Don’t play around,” Bastian all but growled. His hands itched to haul Kole to him. “Do you know...anything?”
“What would I know about engagement contracts?” Kole eyed him without expression. “I just wondered if there was a way to get a better deal for Emma. My dad wrote it, yeah, but if I know my mother, she had her claws in it.”
Oh, she had. “Trust me,” Bastian muttered. “Emma’s getting a good deal.” Access to his magic, for one.
“Always worth taking another look.” Kole shrugged. “So, minus the point for the weird factor, I still say a temporary yes.”
“I kind of like a weird factor” was Leah’s comment as she returned.