Bastian’s parents had declined their invitation—Diana not feeling well enough to attend—but had asked if the two of them would come in their stead.
To represent the family? Emma had asked.
To get all the gossip, Bastian had corrected, knowing his mom well.
Otherwise, anyone who was anyone was in attendance, all dying to see the marks on her wrist, how she was preparing for the Exhibition next week, and what kind of wedding they were planning. All sickly sweet in front of Bastian, his old friends crawling out of the woodwork to pal around with him, punch him in the arm, try and get him to leave her and go drinking in the library. To his credit, he looked as uncomfortable around them now as she felt. Another indication they’d both changed.
She longed for a break, but their chance to duck out was sunk by the impending arrival of a witch in peridot green.
“Maybelline, incoming,” she murmured to Bastian.
To his credit, he smiled warmly when the shorter woman stopped in front of them. “Maybelline. How are you? You’re looking stunning tonight, as always.”
“Hush, you charmer.” Maybelline brushed the peacock feather in her curled hair, face crinkling in pleasure. “I’ve come to see the tattoos that everyone is talking about.”
“Oh, but—” Emma began, falling into resigned silence as the older woman grabbed her arm and turned her wrist.
Maybelline’s feline smile was full of approval. “Just as I suspected. And you, young sir?”
Bastian promptly gave her his wrist for inspection.
She crowed in delight. “My, my. Seems like you two have been getting along just dandy.”
Mortified, Emma took a drink of champagne, the bubbles chasing down her raw throat.
Bastian just laughed, hugged Emma to his side. “Always direct, Maybelline. Have some pity on my Emma.”
“Your Emma, is it?” Shrewd eyes dipped to the possessive hand he curled around her waist. “Well, well. How nice it is to see. I always liked you, dear.”
Emma managed to mumble a thank-you.
“But take it from me, don’t let Bastian get his way all the time. Men like a bit of spice, that’s what my first husband used to tell me. A bit of salt and pepper can keep anything from being bland.”
Emma refused to look at Bastian. “I’ll remember that.”
“Where are you two planning on living after the wedding?” Maybelline glanced between them, the feather in her turban quivering as she was, eager to get the inside knowledge first. “Are you planning on moving to Chicago?”
“We, ah...”
“I’ll stick around Chicago for a while,” Bastian answered easily. “It’s Emma’s home and I want her to be happy.”
“Well, aren’t you two sweeter than a bug in sugar.” Maybelline tapped a manicured finger on her chin. Emma couldn’t help but notice that her nails shifted color, like winking Christmas tree lights. “And to think you’ve found your way back to each other after all these years.”
A stab of uneasiness slid between Emma’s ribs. Maybelline talked like they were a love match on the path to eternal togetherness. And okay, they were lovers and maybe even friends, but that didn’t equate to happily ever after.
Fortunately, Bastian stepped in. “Your drink looks empty, Maybelline.” He released Emma to gesture to the bar. “I work in Emma’s bar now, did I tell you that? Let me show you how to whip up one of their Cauldron cosmos.”
“Well, don’t mind if I do. I’ve always liked to see a good-looking warlock shake it.” Maybelline winked. “Enjoy the party, dear. And don’t worry, I won’t keep him from you too long.”
Emma made herself smile. As they walked away, Bastian shot her a teasing look over his shoulder. His lips moved and words brushed her ear, as if he’d whispered directly into it.
You owe me.
It made her smile widen. As soon as they disappeared into the crush, Emma drifted backward until she reached the walls. Her aim was the terrace and with her old stealth, she managed to make her way there without encountering any more curious witches who were dying to know how the Divining was going.
A cool breeze flowed over her naked skin as she propped herself against one of the columns near the doors, melting into the darkness. The stars were bright against the dark sky, and she stared up at them, chewing over Maybelline’s words.
And to think you’ve found your way back to each other after all these years.