“Personally, I think you’re both nuts. Maybe it’s a witch thing...”
Both Tia and Emma hushed her.
“...but as a human, I see a man who’s so into you. And you’re so into him. You’re going to be married. Where’s the harm in trying for the happily-ever-after?”
“You’re so cute sometimes.” Tia patted her on the head and then laughed as Leah flipped her off. “Witch society doesn’t work like that. We don’t marry for love. Well, most of us don’t.”
“Well, that sucks. And it doesn’t mean you couldn’t try.”
Emma tossed back her remaining champagne. “Maybe for some. But Bastian is always going to leave. And I... I can’t let myself depend on him and then watch him go. Again.” He’d already sent a tidal wave through her life once; she was taking all the precautions this time so she’d survive the coming storm. “The most I can do is enjoy him while he’s here and let him go with a kiss goodbye.”
“And you’ll be fine with him leaving? Even though you’ve slept with him.”
Emma nodded firmly. “Yes.”
Leah held up her hands. “You’re nuts, but I concede. It’s your life and you know him better.” She wriggled her shoulders in anticipation. “So, come on. When did it happen?”
“After the dinner at my mother’s.” She bit back a smile, remembering. “He told her off and we left early.”
Tia’s mouth dropped. She sat as if her legs had been cut out from under her. “He told Clarissa off? Like, in so many words?”
“He told her she was a bitch.”
That sent Tia into a breathless laugh. “Oh, to be a fly on that wall.” She shook her head, amazed, and settled back into the cushions. “Good for him.”
From Tia that was a gushing review.
Leah waved that off impatiently. “Yes, that’s very brave, but how did it happen? Did he grab you? He strikes me as the grabbing kind.”
“Actually, it was me.”
Two sets of eyes looked at her blankly.
“I grabbed him,” Emma said to help them out.
Still blank.
“I told him I wanted him. That he made me feel things. And I said I wanted him to kiss me.” She considered. “Then he flung the couch out of the way and grabbed me, so I guess in a way...”
Leah stomped her feet, for all the world acting like a giddy teenage girl. “Oh, this is too good. First, last of the die-hard wallflowers, Emma Bluewater—”
“Hey,” Emma objected.
“—seduces a man, and then said man moves a couch just so he can grab you?” She sighed wistfully, hand to her heart. “You really need to introduce me to some warlocks.”
“No,” Emma and Tia said together.
“One day.”
Looking disgruntled, Leah narrowed her eyes, but let it drop. Until a later time, if Emma knew anything about her friend. Probably around the same time Sloane started begging to be introduced to teenage warlocks. Then there’d be two of them.
Leah considered her. “At least tell me, was it everything you thought it would be?”
“Was he gentle?” Tia asked from the other side.