“Ken.” His vocal cords refused to function. He groaned. Jonah hoped his friend wasn’t inside, but deep down he feared Ken had been home when the house blew.
Dizziness almost took Jonah to his knees as he staggered, but he remained upright. He stumbled over broken glass to his SUV and slumped against the front bumper until his head stopped spinning. Once his vision cleared, he’d call 911, assuming his phone still worked. He just needed a moment to gather himself.
Sirens screamed as the emergency vehicles raced toward him. Someone else must have witnessed the blast and called.
His shoulders slumped, and he released a long breath. Closing his eyes, he dropped his chin to his chest.
He lifted his head.
Detective Matt Williams strode toward him. “Doc, are you okay?”
“I’ve been better.” Jonah had no idea what injuries he’d acquired. His brain hadn’t gotten that far. But based on his throbbing head, he’d guess a concussion topped the list.
Matt placed a hand on his shoulder. “No kidding. You look awful.”
“Thanks a lot.” He touched his forehead, then glanced at his hand. Blood dampened his fingers. He’d shake his head at the injustice, but that would only make him dizzier.
“Come on, let’s get you to the ambulance and let the paramedics take a look.”
“Ambulance?” Jonah glanced to his right. Fire trucks lined the street. Uh, when had the fire department arrived?
“Never mind. I’ll have them come to you. Don’t move.” Matt hurried off before Jonah responded.
Jonah let his gaze wander over the scene. Pieces of Ken’s house lay scattered like a child’s Lincoln Logs set, covering his friend’s property and the neighbors’ yards. But why?
The haze inhabiting his brain made reasoning next to impossible. Either the concussion was worse than he thought, or shock had dug in its claws.
A few moments later, Matt returned with paramedic Aaron Quincy in tow. The twenty-three-year-old medic hefted the black medical duffel higher on his shoulder and ran his gaze over Jonah.
“Hey, Doc. How about we get you seated before you fall down.” Aaron cupped his elbow and helped him stand. “Let’s use the back of your SUV.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” Jonah extracted the keys from his pocket and handed them to Matt. He hated to admit that the ability to focus and find the right button on the key fob was beyond his capabilities right now.
Matt chuckled. “Doc, I don’t think I’ll need those. All the windows of your SUV are blown out.”
Before Jonah could register his friend’s words, Matt and Aaron assisted him to the back of his SUV and popped the liftgate.
Matt brushed the glass from the interior. “Have a seat.”
With his friends’ help, he lowered himself onto the hard interior. The weight of what had happened pressed down on him.
“Let’s get you checked out.” Aaron flashed a penlight into his eyes.
Jonah flinched.
“Sorry about that, Doc.” The paramedic continued his exam. “Matt, grab me that blanket.”
“What’s going on?” Matt asked.
“He’s in shock. It’s not extreme. At least, not yet.”
A blanket was draped over Jonah’s shoulders. He listened to the continued exchange going on around him, but the words didn’t register in his brain.
The explosion and Ken’s confession tumbled in his mind and refused to let go. Were the two linked?
“Doc, look at me. Doc!” Aaron’s voice hardened.