“How’d you manage to land without crashing?” Juliette directed her question to Alana.
“It was all Penny. She was paying attention when Rocco told her how they worked.”
“Still,” Noelle said, shaking her head. “I’m impressed.”
“Yeah, well, let’s discuss options,” Alana said, changing the subject. “First, Jeremy Black tries to kidnap Penny. Then Trejo throws a punch and pulls a gun while Carl Bizik steals Penny and injects her with something.” She shook her head. “You’re being targeted. If it were me and Rocco, I’d want around-the-clock protection and investigative services until I had some answers.”
Cash looked at Noelle. “Okay, so can I request Alana? She already has a relationship with Penny, and it helps to keep her on routine, in familiar surroundings, and with familiar people.”
“That can be arranged,” Noelle said with a smile.
“And Rocco? I know it’s a lot to ask, but can he hang out with Penny at times? His friendship has done wonders for her already. He has a way of making her feel safe when her world doesn’t make sense.”
Alana flicked her eyes to Noelle, then back to him. “They do have a special bond we want to see flourish, but not if it means putting either child in danger.”
Noelle said, “I suggest we consult the threat assessment. We often work with Detective Matt Williams, and he’s on board with our agency handling some of the investigative work. We’ve run down the risks you might face and planned the security measures required. I’d like to wait and go over it when Matt arrives. But in low-risk situations, I don’t see why Penny can’t have a friend around if the parent agrees.”
“Sounds reasonable. I can’t ask Alana to put her son’s life at risk to indulge Penny.” He shifted the subject. “Did you ever figure out why that Carl guy jumped?”
“Yeah,” Juliette said. “The whole thing was strange. It’s not normal to pick a hot air balloon as an escape plan.”
Alana shook her head. “I think he was high. Not thinking clearly. I don’t know what his plan was, but I tried to talk to him, and right before he jumped, he said something about being dead anyway. I don’t know what he gave her, what his plan was, or who put him up to it. He seemed despondent and just…let himself fall.”
Cash’s stomach twisted into a knot. “And now we may never know.”
Alana touched his arm. “Maybe Trejo was a distraction, giving Carl a chance to grab Penny, or maybe it was a legit coincidence. Either way, this involves both you and Penny, and we’ll figure it out.”
“You’re right. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I need to know that Penny is protected no matter what.”
“Good,” Noelle said. “Now let me ask you, could any of this be connected to your time in the Navy? Maybe something happened during your service that’s coming back to haunt you?”
“If someone has a vendetta against you, they might see your daughter as a way to hurt you,” Juliette said.
“I can’t think of anything like that.” Cash rubbed his forehead. A dull ache lingered behind his eyes. He shifted Penny to alleviate the numbness settling into his fingers.
Penny’s eyes popped open, and her body tensed.
Cash braced himself for what was coming before the first scream tore from her lips.
* * *
Alana sprang to her feet along with Noelle and Juliette. Penny’s continued screams shredded the mother’s heart within her chest. There had to be something she could do. Some way to comfort the crying child.
Her fingers brushed the little girl’s hand. “Penny, honey?—”
Penny released an earsplitting shriek. She thrashed Cash’s arms. Her hands flew to her head and clawed her hair.
Cash dodged Penny’s flying elbows. “Hey, um…no offense, but it would be best to give her some space.” He deposited Penny on the floor and hovered on the edge of the chair. “Penny, Daddy knows you’re overwhelmed, so we’re going to give you some space, okay?”
Tears streamed down Penny’s face. She balled up. Clutched her knees to her chest and rocked like a tiny wrecking ball.
Alana had made a huge mistake. She knew how to calm kids and adults in a crisis but hadn’t considered Penny’s ASD. Her colleagues had beelined it to the door the moment the screaming began. She should’ve done the same. Instead, she’d made things worse.
She turned to leave.
“Alana, wait.” Cash’s voice froze her to the spot. “Can you get Rocco and come stay with us? A familiar face sometimes helps her make sense of unfamiliar places.” His eyebrows arched high, waiting for a response. “Please?”
Her head was nodding. Feet moving toward the door.