Page 5 of Our Chance

Reaching between them, he gripped his cock and slid the tipright through her slit, bumping her clit as he did so. She gaspedand he swallowed it down.

Rocking back across her clit, he felt herbody tense up, and he groaned, not wanting to stop. But, he knew heonly had so much control when it came to her. He wasn’t going to beable to hold back.

Moving down toward her entrance, hestopped kissing her, staring into her pretty eyes, and then, inchby inch, he began to sink inside her pussy. He watched hereyes widen, and shemoaned as he took her. There was no rush, and he waited to see ifthere was any kind of pain.

That first thrust had taken him bysurprise the first time.Her reaction had nearly killed him. Now, he worked her pussy, andhe heard her soft, subtle whimper, and he immediately stopped.“What’s wrong?” he asked. He couldn’t hurt her.

“It feels so good. Please, don’t stop.”

Now that he didn’t need to hold his cock,he grabbed both of her hands, placed them either side of her head,and then he sunk thelast couple of inches inside her. Seated to the hilt within her, hestared into her eyes, not able to look away. She was sobeautiful.

He searched her face, looking for any signof pain, and when he was sure he didn’t see any, he was able torelax.

“It’s not going to hurt,” Freya said. “Notnow.”

“You’ve got to forgive a guy for beingworried.”

She tightened her grip around his hands,and this time shewrapped her legs around his waist and began to wriggle on hiscock.

He closed his eyes andtried to gain somecontrol, but that was impossible to do. She thrust her pelvisslowly, working her pussy over his length, and he couldn’t staystill.

Taking possession of her lips, he pulledout of her until onlythe tip of his dick was inside her. He kept hold of her hands ateither side of her head, and he wouldn’t let her go.

“I’m the one in charge,” he said, thenslammed balls-deepinside her.

Maverick didn’t hold back, this time hedid fuck her. Each time he thrust inside her, he checked to makesure she could handlewhat he was giving her. There was no sign of pain ordiscomfort.

“I’m not going to break, Maverick.”

And now, he didn’t hold back. He took herharder, sliding in deeper. Letting go of her hands, he wrapped hisarms around her body, sliding down to grip her hip as he poundedhis dick within her. She felt so tight. He just couldn’t help himself.

Driving harder and faster inside her, hefelt the first stirrings of his orgasm. He tried to hold back, butit seemed his body had other ideas. He filled Freya up, pulsing every single drop of hiscum deep inside her pussy. He growled her name, sinking his faceagainst her neck, breathing her in. She smelled so good. Acombination of vanilla and cinnamon, two of his favoriteflavors.

The orgasm lasted some time, and it wasonly as the pleasure began to fade that his own reality set in. Hewanted to trap Freya, to make her belong to him, but he had changedhis plan, only now he realized he’d not used a condom. This wastwice now. Her virginity the last time had taken precedence on the conversation. He didn’thave an excuse now, but he didn’t know how to tell her he’d fuckedup.

Chapter Three

“You’re lost in thought, Pumpkin,”Elliot Parker, her boss andfather, said.

She’d been counting the box of screws, andshe looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m a little distractedtoday.”

“Yeah, and I’m worried. This is not sarcasmbut you love counting day.”

Freya laughed. “I know.” She did. Even asa kid she loved to count. One day, when she wasbored, her father gother to take stock of the kitchen, including cans, and even cutlery.She made a complete and comprehensive list, much to her mother’sdismay. For fun, she loved to work at the DIY store.

Whenever her mother took her to thegrocery store, the staff had adored her because she went aroundputting everything in date order, and she did it for fun.

Where Adele had wanted to be a wife andmother, Freya had wantedto earn her own way, which was strange considering she worked forher father. It had taken her some time over the years to build herreputation as being a reliable source of information, but she hadeventually gotten there. In the beginning, men and women wouldhesitate in accepting her advice when it came to tools and theright materials for each project. Now, she was sought after foradvice.

“Does this have something to do with youleaving the bar with a certain mechanic?” Elliot asked.

She stopped and then laughed. “Wow, gossipsure does travel fast, doesn’t it?”

He chuckled. “Well, they wanted to know if I was aware of mydaughter’s choices.”

There were only two optionshere: deny it, andbecome a liar to her father, or admit to it.

“Are you mad?”