“Then why did you run away in themorning?”
Maverick took a sip of his beer. “I didn’trun away.”
“Then why weren’t you there?”
“I don’t do the ‘morning after,’” he said.
Freya chuckled. “Nice to know.”
“Damn it, Freya, why are you here?” heasked.
“Simple, enjoying a beer, and oh, I might be tempted bysome other jackass that wants to take me home.”
He glared at her, but he saw the twinkle in her eyes and knew shewas teasing him. “That’s not funny.”
“What’s the matter, Maverick? Can’t take ajoke?” Freya asked. She got to her feet. “It’s Friday night, and …I just wanted a drink. It has been a long day at work, and now Iwant to head home.”
She licked her lips as she looked him up anddown. He knew that look. He knew what was going on inside herhead.
“Bye, Maverick.”
She’d already paid for her beer, and shewaved at Pete before heading out of the bar. Freya was infuriating. He knew she waswell-liked in town, being one of the few women who worked at herfather’s DIY store. He’d seen her every time he went in, and she’dalso helped him over the years with certain contacts.
At one point, Freya was a tomboy, alwaysin jeans and dirt. She used to help her dad fix his car. She’d eventried to teach him a thing or two, when someone had broken down on the side of the road,and she was passing by.
She was impossible to forget.
Maverick glanced across the bar and staredat his reflection. He’d lost count of the number of times he’dwrapped his fingersaround his dick and worked his cock, thinking about her. Now, hefinally got the chance to be with her, and he was sitting at thebar. Slamming his money down on the counter, not caring about thesize of the tip, he left the bar.
Freya was at her truck. She wore a whiteskirt to her knees with a pair of boots. Fuck, she looked sexy to him. He closed thedistance between them, spun her around, and took the kiss he’d beenwanting to take for the past couple of days.
Chapter Two
“Close the door,” Freya said.
Maverick did as she asked, and even flickedthe locks into place. That kiss had been electrifying. One momentshe’d been fumbling with her keys, and in the next, he’d beenkissing her. That was some kiss.
Now, he pulled her into his arms.
Driving to her place, with Maverickfollowing, had beenexhilarating. She expected him to drive past her, but he’d pulledup, and now they were in her home, and he was kissingher.
Freya didn’t know how they made itupstairs, but they were in her bedroom, and he was pulling off hershirt. She heard something tear, but she ignoredit. Grabbing his shirt,pulling it over his head, she tossed it to the floor.
He was covered in ink, most of which he’d gotten before heleft high school. She remembered how many of the guys were in aweof his body. Within seconds he had her bra off, and she wasfighting with his pants, but he tossed her to the bed, grabbing herskirt, and pulling it down her thighs. He simply tore her pantiesoff her body, and she let out a moan.
He grabbed her ankle and pulled her to theedge of the bed. She went onto her elbows and watched as he spreadher legs wide. The temptation to cover herself was strong, but sheignored it, and instead, watched as he pressed his palms to theinside of her thighs.
Licking her lips, she watched, feeling theanticipation drive higher, and then when he kissed the inside of her thigh,she nearly lost it. Another whimper fell from her lips, and thenshe gritted her teeth.
He moved to the opposite leg, doing thesame. His tongue wastracing a path, getting closer to her pussy, and then he touchedthe lips of her sex. She nearly came right there andthen.
His breath seemed to fan right across hertender flesh. She felt so sensitive, so on edge, and then heflicked his tongue right between her slit.
She screamed his name. Thepleasure was sointense.
Maverick was a master with his tongue as hecircled her clit, and then moved down, going toward the entrance ofher pussy. He circled her, and then teased the opening, pushing histongue just inside, but then he pulled back and went straight backto her clit. She cried out as he took her clit between his teethand scored around it, creating just the right amount of pain mixedwith pleasure. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
He pulled back, going toward the entranceof her pussy, as hestarted to tease her, by fucking her with his tongue.