Freya smiled and he was never going to getbored with thatsmile.
“I guess we better go and get our answer,”she said, taking the kitfrom him.
He watched her as she flipped over the boxand started to read.
“I’ve got to go and pee.”
“Do you want me with you?” he asked.
“To go and pee, I don’t think so.” She gavea chuckle. “But, I’ll let you know once I’m done.”
She had an en-suite bathroom. Freya hadonce told him that Adele had driven her parents crazy with locking the bathroom door andrefusing to come out until she could figure out her skincare andmakeup routine. Freya had nearly soiled herself, and her fathertook the door off the hinges. Within six months, both girls had anen suite, and they were banned from using their parents’ bathroom.Apparently that had been Adele’s plan all along.
Seconds ticked by, then a minute.
Freya appeared in the doorway.
He got to his feet.
“Now, we wait,” she said.
“So, you thought of me when you were younger?” he asked, sittingback down on the edge of her bed.
Freya laughed and moved toward him. “Imight have...”
“Oh, yeah, and what kind of things were youthinking about back then?” he asked.
When she was within touching distance, hereached for her and pulled her in close. “We’re not having sex onmy old bed?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Your dad and ashotgun.”
“You know he won’t use it,” Freya said.
“I’m not willing to take that chance.” Hecupped her ass. “I like it, though.”
“The thought of you thinking about me, beingcurious about me.”
“I was so jealous of my sister when shebrought you around. I couldn’t believe she had Maverick Lavin asher boyfriend.”
“I was never her boyfriend, Freya. She was neveryou.”
He stared into her brown eyes, and hecouldn’t believe his luck. Well, his luck and his opportunity. Hewas about to pull her down for a kiss, but then her alarm soundedand they pulled away.
“Is that what I think it means?” heasked.
“The test is ready.”
He took hold of Freya’s hand, andtogether, they walked into the bathroom. The results didn’t matter. She was going to be hiswife, regardless of what the test said.
He finally had her, she belonged to him,and he would never lether go.
Ten Years Later
“Damn it, Ryan, give me thatwrench,” Maverick said,watching his three-year-old son running away with the tool he’d putdown for a moment.