Page 17 of Our Chance

“What are you saying?” she asked.

“Freya Parker, I am in love with you and I’ve been in love withyou for a very long time. Going to that bar the night your sistergot her divorce papers was the best night of my life.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “You thinkso?”

“Yeah, and then going to find you a fewdays later at the barwas the next best decision I made. I love you, Freya, and whateverhappens, I’m going to be there by your side, until the very end. Ifyou will have me.”

“I love you too,” she said,then laughed. “Wow, it doesn’treally have the same punch as your words. I do.” She licked herlips. “Do you realize that in this very room, I would … daydreamabout the day you’d tell me you loved me?”

“You did?” Maverick asked.

“Yeah, I did.” She let out a giggle. “You’dget down on bended knee to tell me how amazing I am.”

She gasped as suddenly, Maverick slid down on one knee infront of her.

“Maverick, what are you doing?”

“I don’t want you to ever doubt my feelingsfor you, so, FreyaParker, regardless of what that test says, will you be mywife?”

She couldn’t believe this was happening.


“You got my daughter pregnant?”

“I love your daughter,Mr. Parker.Yes, I might have gotten her pregnant. I’m going to do right byher.”

“Do right by her?”

“Mr. Parker, sir, may I pleasehave your permission to marry your daughter?”

Maverick hadn’t exactly thought his planthrough. He wanted to get Freya pregnant to tie her to him, buteverything else surrounding it had kind of gone fuzzy to him.

Elliot had given him permission, but he didn’t want Freya tobelieve that the only reason he was asking her to marry him wasbecause of the baby.

“What are you doing?” Freya asked.

“One day, we’re going to tell our son anddaughter how we got married. This is happening, Freya. You andI are going to getmarried, and we’re going to have a lot of sex and babies.” Shegiggled. “And I don’t want them to think the only reason I marriedyou is because you were pregnant. I want them to know I married youbecause I loved you, and there was no one else in the world Iwanted more.”

“Yes,” Freya said. “Yes, I will marryyou because I love you,so very much.”

Maverick reached into his jacket pocket.

“What are you doing?”

He pulled out the wedding ring. He andElliot might have also made a stop after the pharmacy. He’d showed Elliot the ringhis mother had worn, and all the women of the Lavin line, and nowit belonged to Freya.

“This was my mom’s,” he said.

He slid the ring onto her finger, and thereit was, the perfect fit.

“You asked my dad, didn’t you?” Freyaasked.

“The guy has a shotgun and I’ve alreadyknocked up his daughter. That man was going to shoot my ass.”

Freya laughed. “Please tell me this proposalisn’t because of that?”

Maverick shook his head. “Your dad doesn’tscare me.” He kissed her. “But I am an opportunist, and this wasjust too good of an opportunity. I couldn’t pass it by.”