They made it to the bathroom in time, andAdele held her hair back, as Freya threw up her morning breakfast.She hadn’t been able toeat a lot, because that pesky sick feeling refused to disappear.Adele continued to rub her back.
“You know, you don’t have to worry, orstress out. I’m not upset about you and Maverick. In fact, I was soright.”
“Right?” Freya asked.
“You and Maverick look so damn cute together. It was like you wereboth designed to be together.”
Freya took a deep breath, and she knew shewasn’t going to be sick anymore. Adele helped her, grabbing atoothbrush and keeping her hair out of her face as she brushed, andthen splashed some water on her face.
She was more than ready to head back toMaverick, but Adele forced her to sit down on top of the loweredtoilet seat.
“What? What is it?” she asked, hating thisnervousness that started to consume her.
“Have you … told Maverick?” Adele asked.
“I have no idea what you’re talkingabout.”
“You and I both know that you’re pregnant.Have you taken a test?”
“I don’t know that I’m pregnant,okay? The sick feelinghas only happened over the last couple of days.”
“Yeah, and by my calculations, I think thatis close to what? Two months, give or take, that, you know, symptoms can start toshow.”
“Pregnancy is not an illness.”
Adele rolled her eyes. “Fine, signsthen—whatever youwant to call it that will make it acceptable to you. You’re goingto have to take a test, and then you’re going to have to tellMaverick. Depending on what order you decide. You need to make sureeverything is … taken care of.”
“Are you suggesting I abort mybaby?” Freyaasked.
“Hell, no, what I’m saying is there are vitamins, health checks,everything you need to put in place, to make sure mommy and babyare perfect. You’re my sister, Freya, and you’re carrying my littleniece or nephew. I can’t wait to spoil him or herrotten.”
Maverick was already aware of the signs. He’d noticed themthe past week. Freya’s mysterious morning illness, sudden aversionto coffee and certain strong smells. He didn’t know if she wasaware of it, but he certainly was of her sensitive nipples, andhe’d spent a lot of time licking and sucking at those large buds.He knew when they were a little too sensitive.
The dry toast or crackers that helped tosettle her stomach, along with her fruit tea, were all signs.
She’d not started to show just yet, but hehad a feeling he mighthave already gotten her pregnant on that very first night, whichwas insane to think about.
He sat in the living room, all while Elliotwas giving him the stink eye. He didn’t know what was wrong withFreya but he must have figured Maverick was responsible.
“You’ve got a nice home, Mr. Parker,” hesaid.
“Let’s cut the crap, shallwe? What are yourintentions with my daughter?” Elliot asked.
“Elliot! You cannot go asking the man that.Freya would have a fit.” Tilly came into the room, tutting. She handed Maverick amug of tea.
He’d stopped drinking coffee, at leastanywhere in the vicinity of Freya, and he also stopped drinking itat least two hours before he saw her again, so he didn’t stink ofit. He knew she hated her lack of desire for coffee. She loved hercoffee, and especially when she changed it up to a mocha latte, andshe’d even mentioned a pumpkin special at the local café aroundHalloween.
“You’ll go scaring the man away.”
“These were the kind of questions I shouldhave been asking Hank,and look how that turned out.” Elliot turned his gaze back towardhim. “Because let me warn you. I’ve got a shotgun, I know how touse it, and I’ve got no problem blowing your ass right out of mydaughter’s life.”
Maverick knew he could respond with asmartass quip, or say something that made him an assholeand certainly put himself andElliot’s potential friendship on the back burner for years tocome.
“I’m in love with your daughter,” Mavericksaid. He decided in the scheme of things, it was good to just go with the truth. “I want tomarry her.”
Freya’s parents looked at him in stunneddisbelief.