Page 13 of Our Chance

He fucked her, and when the time came, hefilled her womb, prayingthat this time, he’d been successful in making her pregnant withhis baby.

Chapter Six

Freya hated her sister for convincing herthat bringing Maverick to a family Sunday dinner was a good idea.This didn’t feel like a good idea. This felt like a nightmarewaiting to happen. She’d never brought a guy to herparents’ housebefore.

What if her father hated him?

What if her mother did?

They had both loved Hank and he’d been ajerk. Maybe she could remind them both of their lack ofjudgment.

“It’s going to be okay,” Maverick said.

“That’s easy for you to say. Don’tfathers usually get shotguns,and mothers start talking about the wedding and all that? They’regoing to terrify you.” Just the thought of what they could do wasgetting to her.

Maverick laughed. “This is not the firsttime I’ve met your parents.”

“This isn’t helping, seeing as the firsttime you were dating my sister.” She groaned.

“I was also a lot younger, and trust me,Maverick back then was a big gigantic asshole. They’lllove me now, trust me.”He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her in close,kissing her temple.

It was strange because whenever he didtouch her, she always had the feeling everything was going to be okay.

“I don’t care if they don’t love you,Maverick. I only hope they like you.”

“That’s easy, they do, trust me, I’ve takencare of their cars several times, and they have always been happycustomers.”

Freya was also aware of her father takinghis car to Maverick, after he’d tinkered with it a bit. She loved to play with carsherself, but she literally only dabbled with parts that wouldn’tstop the overall running of a car.

Not her father. Nope, he loved to play andfigure out how things worked. He always said it was something hegot from her grandfather. The two of them were constantly in thegarage. Her grandfather was the one to open the DIY store in town.He’d been sick and tired of having to drive several towns over, orgo to a large supply chain, so he’d filled that void in his ownspace. According to herfather, it hadn’t always been easy for him, but they’d survivedmany disasters and problems.

She knew one day her father planned ongiving her the DIY store, and she was looking forward to it. Hersister wasn’t interested in the store, and according to the rumor mill, she didn’tneed to work again because of the alimony she got from herdivorce.

Approaching her parents’ front door, she didn’t even need toknock before Adele opened it.

“Well, well, well, I wondered when you twowere going to show up,”Adele said.

Freya couldn’t help the guilt that traveledup her spine at the sight of her sister. “Adele,” she said.

Her sister looked at her, and Freya feltlike she was going to be sick.

“Whoa, sweetie, are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Freya said.

Maverick held onto her tightly. “Are yousure?”

“Look, this was all a joke,” Adele said,giving a light laugh. “Trust me, there are no hard feelings.Maverick is great, but I only ever used him when we were kids. Youdon’t need to worry.”

Freya took a deep breath and thenchuckled. “I, uh, Idon’t know what came over me.”

“What are you all doing on the front porch?”their mother asked, coming to the front door. Tilly Parker gavethem a tut. “You’re going to cause no end of gossip, the lot ofyou. Now, get your butts inside.”

“I’m just going to take Freya to thebathroom,” Adele said.

Freya didn’t argue but she did glance overtoward Maverick, feeling guilty for leaving him. The frown betweenhis brows worried her, but then that sick feelingconsumed her once again, andshe felt like she was going to throw up.

“Come on, I’ve got you. It’s time to get youto the bathroom.”