He couldn’t help but smile, because hewanted to take her so badly, but he also wanted to hear her beg himfor it.
“Beg me,” he said.
She let out a little growl that sounded like a mix offrustration and determination. He was going to get what he wanted,whether she liked it or not.
“Damn it, Maverick.”
Freya tried to wriggle, and he didn’t wantto stop her, but he also wanted to hear those pretty words from herlips.
“All it will take is you asking me, baby,”he said. “Ask me. Beg me.”
“Asking is a little differentfrom begging!”
He had a feeling Freya had never beggedanyone for anything in her life, which he did feel kind of saddenedby. But at the sametime, he had that feeling, the one that consumed him at the fact noother man had touched his woman. She belonged to him. He was theonly one to know just how good her pussy felt, wrapped around hisdick.
“Maybe this will help,” hesaid. He reached betweenher thighs, found her clit, and started to stroke her.
He felt her instant reaction as shewhimpered and then rocked back against him. Another whimper, and she tried to moveover his dick, but he wouldn’t let her. She wasn’t going anywhere.He knew exactly how to touch her, to make her burn, to make herwant to beg.
“Please, damn it, Maverick. Please, fuck me.I want your dick. Fuck me. I need you.”
And he didn’t make her repeat herself.
Tightening his grip on her hips, he began topound inside her, fucking her harder, taking her higher, and he wasso close to his orgasm it was fucking unreal.
“Touch yourself, Freya. Make yourselfcome.”
He wanted to be the one to do it, but rightnow, his focus was on trying not to come too soon.
Once again, he felt her as she touched her own clit, and she feltso fucking good. He closed his eyes, but then he immediately openedthem, because he didn’t want to miss anything. Maverick loved thesight of her pussy wrapped around his naked cock. Once again, he’dnot used a condom. He didn’t want there to ever be anything betweenthem, and he knew if he wasn’t careful, it was going to bite him inthe ass.
The truth was, he didn’t know how to tellFreya what he was doing, and that was crazy.
His name spilled from her lips, and he felt her release as herpussy tightened around him, and then it was milking him, as if shecouldn’t stand the idea of him not coming at the same time. Shedidn’t have to wait too long.
He’d been holding on by a thread, and now hespilled his cum deep inside her, flooding her womb, knowing one ofthese days they were going to make a baby.
Chapter Five
One Month Later
“You know, you’ve been avoiding me,” Adelesaid.
Freya jumped so hard, she nearly droppedthe box of screws she’d been arranging. “Adele, what the hell?”
She immediately put the boxesonto the shelves, pushing someof her hair out of her eyes, and then turning toward her sister,who looked entertained by what she’d just done. “Why is that sofunny?”
“How can it not be funny?” Adele asked. “Youshould see the look on your face. It is hilarious.” There was asnort and then Adele folded her arms. “Well, spill.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”That was a lie.
“Wow, I didn’t know FreyaParker had the ability tolie.”
She rolled her eyes and turned back towardher sister. “It’s not a lie.”
“The last four Sundays, you’ve avoidedgoing to our parents’house, and you’ve got no excuse because my evil bastard ex is notthere anymore.”
“I’ve got no reason, and you know I’ve beenbusy and it has nothing to do with you.” It wasn’t quite true.She’d not talked to Adele about Maverick, and on Sundays, she andMaverick had been enjoying a lot of their own personal timetogether. She didn’t want to leave him to go and enjoyfood with her parents.Although, her dad was giving her a lot of judgey eyes lately. Shefigured Mom was giving him a hard time.