As I attempt to catch my breath, it dawns on me he’s going to try to do this all over again with his cock. A thrill streaks up my spine. Chill, Jia. Sex for the first time will not be pleasant, or at least, that’s what I’ve always heard from my girlfriends.
As if Marco has plucked the thought right out of my mind, he crawls over me, wedging his hips between my thighs. “Relax, spitfire, I’m going to take care of you.”
Clenching my jaw, I nod slowly, the echoes of desire still vibrating my core.
He runs his finger across my jawline. “But you need to relax. If you fight me, it won’t be pleasant because I am big and you’re tight as fuck.”
A whisper of fear tangles through the excitement.
His hand tightens around my jaw, and he forces my eyes to his. “I won’t hurt you. If you’re in pain, just tell me and I’ll stop, okay?”
There’s something about the look in his eyes that has a knot of emotion thickening my throat. Oh, God, do not cry, Jia. He’ll freak out and bolt.
“Promise me you’ll say something?”
My head dips, and I blink quickly to keep the mounting tears at bay.
“I don’t want you to just smile and fake it, okay? I need you to answer me, Jia.”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Good girl.” He cups my throbbing pussy, and tingles race through my core once again. His mouth moves over mine, and my body begins to relax, melting into his touch. As his kisses become more desperate, I feel his head prodding at my entrance. I’m still so wet, he glides over my slick folds, igniting another wave of desire.
“Eyes on me, spitfire,” he whispers against my lips. “I want you to remember this moment forever. So when we’re old and gray, you can tell our grandchildren about the night I claimed you as mine. Because this is it. Once you’re mine, you’ll never belong to another.”
I nod quickly, the intensity of his smoldering gaze too much to bear. I don’t dare ask about our open marriage agreement, or how I’m supposed to belong to only him if we’re screwing other people.
Because in that moment, it is only him and me.
And he’s right, I will remember this for the rest of my life, whether we remain together or not. Every woman remembers their first time.
Mouth capturing mine once again, his hips thrust in time with his tongue, and his thick head pries me open. A cry dies in my throat as a swirl of pleasure and pain consumes my lower half. Marco doesn’t move, with only the tip inside me.
His anxious gaze locks on mine. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm,” I mumble, teeth baring into my bottom lip.
“You don’t seem okay.”
“It just stings a little.”
He releases a string of Italian curses and starts to pull back.
“No!” I shout and palm his muscled ass, driving him farther in.
He gently inches in, eyes pinned to mine. “You’re doing a great job, spitfire, I’m about halfway in now.” A reassuring smile softens the typical hard set of his jaw. “You ready for more?”
I nod slowly.
More pressure, but also a tiny hint of pleasure as his crown hits my clit.
“Almost there, wifey. You’re such a good girl taking all my cock…”
I’m going to smack him in a second if he doesn’t just do it already.
“Ready for all of me?”