Page 7 of Wicked King

No, it can’t be.

It’s been months since the day we squared off against Qian and the Four Seas, and I caught a glimpse of Jia Guo. I do not remember her looking like that. Granted we were in the middle of a deadly shootout, so perhaps I just wasn’t paying enough attention.

I tear my gaze away from the midnight-haired beauty to scrutinize the sign on the door. Closed. Too bad, I could use another shirt.

Movement in the back of the store pivots my gaze to an older man in a silk robe shuffling toward the woman. The pencil drops from her lips as her mouths splits into a smile. As she turns toward him, her eyes flicker to mine.

A pair of dark orbs latch onto my own, and an unfamiliar twinge tightens my ribcage. I pull out the earbuds with Perfect by Ed Sheeran playing in the background as I continue to stare mindlessly. Those pouty red lips purse as she regards me, a hint of recognition flashing through the starlit night I’m staring into. I stand there frozen as I memorize every detail of her perfectly sculpted face, then drift lower to her petite form, going from her proud shoulders to the long neck and the low cut of her blouse, which flows down to a tiny waist and a slight curve to her hips.

Dio, she’s gorgeous.

The Chinese dragon tattooed across my chest twitches, as if coming to life at the sight of its formidable prey.

Maybe I’d been too hasty in dismissing Nico’s idea, after all.




Is that Nico Rossi peering into my shop window? I attempt a casual glance from the corner of my eye so as not to alert Yéye. The last thing I need is my grandfather worrying about the Italian mob paying me a visit. Dark hair, sunglasses, black suit: check, check, and check. Tall, perfectly muscled, arrogant smirk: also check. My brother may have been an ass, God rest his soul, but at least he’d chosen an attractive man to sell me off to.

The last I’d heard, Rossi had found his true love, therefore reneging on my brother’s brilliant, arranged marriage agreement. So why is he here now? I swivel my gaze back to Yéye and meet a pair of anxious dark orbs. Despite the great Wei Guo having led the Four Seas to notoriety with his infamous stoic calm, that icy mask always crumbles in my presence. Maybe it’s because I am his only granddaughter and he never had daughters of his own. Three sons and he’s buried each one.

A pang sears into my chest as I stare into those wizened, dark eyes and the years of conflict and struggle that wrinkled the corners. Am I being selfish by refusing to bear the burden of his legacy?

“Good morning, baobèi, are you all right?”

I glance over my shoulder and the mysterious Rossi brother is gone. My grandpa’s old nickname brings a smile to my lips, despite the churning guilt. Treasure. My own father never referred to me as anything but daughter. He barely used my given name. Pushing back the pointless memories, I brighten my smile and nod. “Of course, Yéye, especially now that you’re here. Though I’m still not quite sure why you came all this way.”

His eyes taper at the edges as he regards me. Our mutual understanding of each other has always been a two-way street. He can read me as well as I can read him. Which means in a second, he’s going to call me out on my bullshit. I’m honestly amazed he’s waited this long. After he appeared at my meeting with the Triad yesterday, we’d gone for dinner, sticking only to safe subjects of conversation. Then we’d returned to my studio and my grandfather had gone straight to bed—mine, of course. I was forced to struggle through a night on the couch, which was what had ultimately brought me to the boutique early this morning.

“You know why I came, baobèi. You are many things, child, but a fool isn’t one of them.” He reaches for a lock of stray hair and sweeps it behind my ear. His rough thumb against my cheek is so familiar it brings an unwanted tear to my eye.

“You don’t have to worry about me, grandpa. I’m fine.” Or, at least, I will be fine. I hazard another glance through the front window, but Rossi is definitely gone. Thank the ancestors.

“Are you, though? From what Jianjun tells me, the Four Seas are in absolute disarray. The Triad will not stand for that, and you know that as well as I. You may not desire the burden of rule, but it has fallen on your shoulders, nonetheless.”

I huff out a breath, those damned shoulders feeling heavier than they’d ever been.

“I don’t want to frighten you, Jia, but someone will come for your throne if you do not secure it.”

Jianjun’s menacing words from the meeting strike up a dance in my mind. Per our custom, the only way in which a new family may take over an established syndicate is by terminating the remaining bloodline. I swallow hard and meet my grandfather’s heavy gaze. “What do you want me to do?”

His hands close around my shoulders, the firm hold reassuring in the sea of chaos that is my mind. “As I said before, you are wise beyond your years, baobèi. I trust that you will come to the right decision. I only came to assist in the process in any way I can.”

“So you left the white sand beaches of Costa Rica to navigate an international mob war with me?”

“Of course, I did, Jia. Besides, retirement can get a little boring after a while.” The corners of his lips hitch, making the long silver strands of his mustache twitch. “Now, where can we go for breakfast? You have nothing edible in your apartment.”

My cheeks burn, and my head immediately drops. I’m a complete failure as a traditional Chinese woman, but I know takeout like nobody’s business. Grabbing my purse from the floor, I spin around and thread my arm through my grandfather’s. “Come on, I’ll take you for the best bagel with lox in all downtown Manhattan. My treat.”

“Very well, baobèi, and while we are there, we will discuss your future.”

My head dips in acquiescence, and I give my grandfather a gentle tug toward the front door. I briefly contemplate going out the back just in case any Italian mobsters are still lingering in the area. Maybe Nico Rossi came because he heard the great Wei Guo was in town. Was he here to make another deal?

With my thoughts churning, I force my feet forward. If Nico is still here, I’ll have to face him sooner or later, and with my grandpa in tow, the whole encounter might be more tolerable.