“It’s only that I haven’t spoken to Marco today, and I thought with our quickly approaching nuptials, he would have returned to the penthouse by now.”
“I see…” A knowing smile curves his lips.
“Have you spoken to him?” I blurt.
He slowly dips his head.
“Seriously? And you never thought to mention it?” I slam my jaw closed before I say something I’ll regret. In the past few days, I’ve practically annihilated the line of respect toward my grandfather. My poor mother must be rolling over in her grave.
Yéye squeezes my shoulder, his typical show of affection, and offers a reassuring smile. “Your future husband is only attempting to give you some space.”
“Is that what he said?”
I hiss out a frustrated breath and plop down onto a bar stool. Leaning on the marble island, I focus on slowing my manic heartbeats and take a few sips of the lukewarm, leftover coffee. When I’ve finally gotten control of my temper, I turn to Yéye who’s pouring a fresh cup for himself. “Did my fiancé happen to mention if he’d be returning home before the wedding?”
“He will not, baobèi, at my urging.”
I nearly spit out a mouthful of the cold coffee. “Why?”
“It’s not good luck to see the bride before the wedding day.”
A completely unladylike snort erupts. “Yéye, this isn’t a real marriage.”
“Because you haven’t opened your mind or heart to the possibility yet.” He folds onto the barstool beside me and takes my hand. “I did not take this decision lightly, Jia, much like my father before me. When they chose your grandmother as my wife, it was after considerable thought. Look how well that turned out. It may seem to you that this wedding to Marco is simply a strategic one, but trust me when I say I would not have agreed to any of it if I did not truly believe Mr. Rossi to be a good man. More than that, a good man for you. He will treat you as you deserve, baobèi, you must only give him the opportunity.”
Clearly, my perfect fiancé failed to mention to my grandfather that I caught him with his tongue down the realtor’s throat.
“I cannot trust him, Yéye.”
“Maybe not right now, but in time, I am certain he will prove himself to you.”
Another snort threatens to break free, but I manage to suppress it this time.
“Now come, we must go to the Waldorf. Your bridal suite has been prepared, and you are to spend the night there. Your future husband has arranged for the wedding glamour team to meet you there in the morning.”
I gulp. How did this all happen so quickly? I was supposed to find a way out of this and now, I’d wasted the past two days pining over my missing fiancé instead of planning my escape.
I slam the empty crystal tumbler on the bar top and heave out a breath before signaling to the bartender again.
“You sure, Mr. Rossi?” The young blond guy eyes me warily.
“I’m getting married tomorrow, Sean. I’m fucking celebrating.” Alone because my twin is too busy obsessing over his girlfriend to spend a minute with his damned brother.
The bartender doesn’t move, his eyes narrowed on the row of empty glasses in front of me. So what if it’s only noon?
“I’ve got a room upstairs, kid. I’m not driving anywhere. Just give me the fucking whiskey, or I’ll have your pretty boy ass fired.”
He dips his head and scrambles away, and I heave out a sigh of relief when he’s back a moment later refilling my glass. As I sip the smooth, smoky liquid and twirl the cubes of ice around, my thoughts flicker to the dainty red box in my pocket, and my spirits sink lower.
Damn Nico for forcing me to buy a stupid engagement ring.