“Bullshit,” I growl.
“I’ve been doing this for a long time, boss, and my gut says Lei wasn’t behind this.”
My fingers curl around the armrest, nails digging into the soft leather. “I’ll question him myself then.” Fuck the stupid idea of letting Jia handle this on her own.
Jimmy’s eyes go wide, the dishwater brown darkening. “You really think that’s a good idea? I thought you were trying to keep your hands clean of this side of the business?”
“I am,” I hiss, “but that woman is about to become my wife, and if I don’t make it clear now, she’ll be made an unnecessary target in the future. And I will fucking disembowel and mutilate anyone who lays a hand on Jia.”
Jimmy’s head slowly dips. “So you want me to pick up Lei Wang?”
“The sooner the better.”
He slides to the end of the seat, but I stop him before he can get away. Jimmy hates coming up to the office, hates the attention it brings. He thrives in the shadows, skulking in the darkness.
“Wait a second. Can you summarize your report? I don’t have the patience to read this crap. Anything I need to know?”
He shrugs, antsy to get out of my office by the way he squirms. “La Sombra Boricua is definitely up to something. They’ve been buying out properties across the Lower East Side, but no one knows why. Their operations have always been pretty bare bones. I even talked to Dante’s guy about it. Apparently, the Valentinos have been surveilling the Puerto Ricans too.”
Great, I detest the idea of having to reach out to my half-brothers for intel. But at least tension with them has subsided since the grand discovery that our father didn’t exactly abandon us. It had been our mother who’d kept us away from him when we were kids. Which was why Nico and I aren’t speaking to her at the moment.
Nico… that reminds me.
“What about my brother’s housekeeper, Blanca? Anything new on her?”
He shakes his head. “We’ve been following her for weeks and still nothing.”
“That’s strange, indeed.”
Jimmy releases a noncommittal grunt and heads for the door.
“Let me know as soon as you’ve got hands on Lei,” I call out after him.
“Will do, boss.”
My pace quickens as I spot the two-story brick building down the block. Though Jimmy protested my walk back from the office this evening, I wanted the time to collect my thoughts. Mel drove me crazy all day with wedding prep, despite the lingering tension between us, and that realtor I almost let suck me off on a stupid whim kept texting me to hook up. I finally had to tell her I was getting married so she’d leave me alone. At least there were some perks to this arrangement. Plus, I needed Jimmy out on the streets finding that asshole Lei Wang. Until I feel the crunch of his bones beneath mine and see his blood spattering the earth, I won’t be convinced he wasn’t behind Jia’s attack.
From across the street, a blonde head bobs in the window, and I immediately recognize Jia’s friend. Next to her, only a foot from the door stands Nicky, his broad frame eclipsing that of the petite female. He’s been on Jia guard duty since the moment I left the studio this morning. My fiancée wasn’t happy, but I didn’t give her a choice about it. If she wanted to remain out of arm’s reach, then she’d have a guard at her side at all times.
Arianna waves as I approach, tearing her gaze away from the big guard. Nicky unlocks the door and ushers me in.
“Everything good?” I ask as he bolts the door behind me.
“All quiet, boss.”
“Hey, Marco…” Ari’s silly grin and singsong tone confirm that Jia has let her in on our upcoming nuptials. I wonder exactly how much she’s told the girl.
“Arianna.” I give her a quick nod. “I appreciate you coming to help Jia with the boutique.”
“Are you kidding me? This place is as much mine as it is hers.” She twists her head over her shoulder and throws a glance in Jia’s direction, and I follow her line of sight.
Jia’s long hair is pulled into a messy bun with strands of raven hair framing her face. She’s dressing a mannequin in a soft, gauzy top with long sleeves. Glancing at my fiancée’s attire, it occurs to me I’ve never seen her in anything but long sleeves. She must have a thing for it as the style is rampant across her designs.
For the first time, I really look at the array of clothing hung from the cushioned hangers. Her style is unique, elegant but chic, with an interesting mix of fabrics and patterns. I’m not exactly a fashion connoisseur, but I’m certainly not completely clueless. She’s got something rare here.
I slowly move through the sea of colorful clothing, my feet propelling me toward the woman in the back, who hasn’t so much as lifted her eyes in my direction. Her lack of attention is strangely irritating. I’ve never met a woman who didn’t want to fuck me.
I clear my throat as I grow near, but still, her eyes remain intent on the pins she’s spearing into the mannequin. “You’re not even going to say hi?” I finally snap.