“The great Wei Guo of the Four Seas paid me a most interesting visit yesterday.”
“Oh, did he now?” My heart lodges in my throat at the mention of his name. The legends I’d heard of the ruthless leader were completely incongruous to the worried, frail old man I’d met on the sidewalk.
“Why didn’t you tell me you saved his granddaughter?” asked Nico. “He’s ever so grateful, and we now find ourselves at a significant strategic advantage.”
“Glad to hear it.” I grab the ballpoint pen off the desk and twirl it between my fingers to keep my thoughts from the motionless Jia hung across my arms. There was something about seeing the fiery woman so helpless that I couldn’t quite get out of my mind, or it was just my fucked up past rearing its ugly head. I’d spent all night unable to sleep, wondering if she was okay.
Which is very unlike me.
He steps farther inside my office and plants his ass on the black leather chair across from my desk. I barely repress a groan as my brother makes himself comfortable. “May I ask what you were doing outside Jia’s boutique at just the right time?”
Her boutique? Damned Jimmy never got me the intel I’d asked for on the owner of the building. That was important info.
“Freak coincidence,” I mumble.
He heaves out a breath of relief and slumps back in the chair. “Ah, so you haven’t succeeded in luring her into your bed? I thought perhaps that was why you were there…”
A shit-eating grin splits my brother’s lips, and my fingers curl into fists. “Guo confirmed it was Lei’s rebel gang who attacked the girl. As such, the old man has forbidden her from leaving her apartment until he personally accompanies her to the Triad council meeting tomorrow. That’s going to make things quite difficult for you to get into her panties, isn’t it?”
“Fuck you, Nico. You set me up. You knew the girl was a damned virgin. Hell, you probably knew she hated us because of Qian, too. How could I possibly win this bet?”
He leans forward and slams his palms onto my desk, and the glass trembles at the impact. “You can’t. Instead of going through all this rigmarole, you simply should have agreed to marry her in the first place.”
“No,” I growl.
“It’s too late now, brother. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not.”
“How can you do this to me, Nico? After everything we’ve been through?” I drag my hand through my hair, yanking on the dark tips. Sure, Jia isn’t the worst woman in the world to be forced into marrying, but Dio, I don’t want to get fucking married. I tried love once, and it didn’t work. I don’t want kids, I don’t want any of it.
“I’m doing this for you. For us.”
I jump up and slam my own hands against the glass, meeting my brother’s glare across the desk. “That’s bullshit.”
“This strategic alliance will serve to encourage peace across the Triad and the Italian mafia. Luca and Dante have agreed to back down as well. This is exactly what we all need.”
“No, this is what you and those weak assholes need. The three of you have found love, started families, and now nothing else matters. Don’t you dare push your fucking agenda on me. Don’t pretend it’s for my own good. This is all about Maisy, Rose, and Stella. I can’t believe my own brother and even my asshole stepbrothers are all pussy-whipped.” I hiss out a frustrated sigh. “It’s always been you and me, Nico. What the hell happened to that?”
“I grew up, fratello and discovered there’s so much more happiness to be had in this world. Call it what you will, but it is happening.” He stands and turns toward the door, his footfalls pounding a manic beat matching the tempo of my pulse.
“And if I refuse?” I call out behind him.
Nico spins around and shoots me a narrowed glare. “Then you can say goodbye to all of this.” He whirls around, arms spread wide as he motions to my office.
“You can’t do that. I’m the Co-CEO of Gemini Corp.”
“You’re right, I can’t do it myself, but I sure as hell can vote you out with the help of the board. And Melanie.”
“After the stunt you pulled with her, the board would have you out on your ass so fast, your head would spin.”
“Cazzo, Nico, you can’t be serious. We built this company together from the ground up.”
He nods, and something like regret flashes across my brother’s blazing blue eyes. “I know. Every painstaking instant is permanently ingrained in my mind, fratello. Papà deserting us, the foster homes, the abuse, growing up penniless. I remember everything. I refuse to ever go back to that. We both deserve so much more, and trust me, this is for the greater good. For you.”
My stomach bottoms out, hitting the soles of my Ferragamo loafers. I, too, vowed never to go back to that life long ago.