Page 100 of Wicked King

“Watch out!” I yell, but it’s too late. She bumps the ladder, and the metal thing begins to tremble. I try to reach for it, but with my phone in one hand, the rungs slip right from my grasp. I watch with my heart shooting up my throat as Nicky falls, the ladder hitting the sidewalk with a sharp clang.

For such a big guy, I’m amazed by the guard’s agility. He lands on one foot, staggers forward, but somehow maintains his balance. Too bad the same can’t be said of his phone. It flies out of his pocket and hits the cement with a crash.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” the woman gushes. She scurries toward Nicky and pats him down, making sure to touch his chest and arms a handful of times. “Are you alright?”

A deep blush rushes my guard’s cheeks. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. No worries, lady.”

She bends over, giving him a bird’s eye view of her ass cheeks and picks up his phone. “Oh no, it’s broken! I’m so clumsy.” Handing the mangled cell back to Nicky, she turns to me and offers a saccharine smile. “Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in it. I insist on paying for a new one.”

“It’s really not necessary,” I mumble as I step closer.

She bats her dark lashes at my personal guard and presses her palms to his chest. “I really insist. I’m just so embarrassed.”

I barely resist the overwhelming urge to roll my eyes and turn to Nicky instead. “I’m sure Marco will buy you a new one.”

“Yeah, of course he can,” he says to his ogling admirer. “It’s really not necessary.”

Before I can stop her, the woman snatches my phone from my hands and begins jabbing at the screen with long, manicured nails.

Well, then. I guess she isn’t taking no for an answer.

I glance up at Nicky over the pushy woman’s shoulder and he shrugs, a shade of crimson still tingeing his cheeks. She hands the phone back to me a moment later, flashing a beaming smile. “There now.” Then she spins at Nicky and folds her hands around his big one. “Please call me and tell me what I owe you. My name’s Laura, by the way.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Nicky mutters.

Then she spins on her stilettos and marches down the block so quickly she’s nothing but a blur of Manolos and red Chanel.

“Well, that was interesting.”

Nicky smirks and bends down to pick up the ladder. “Yeah…”

I still have my phone in my hands, so I open the camera app to shoot a few more pictures when a video fills my screen. What the hell?

Then familiar moans erupt, and two dark forms coalesce from the dimly lit video.

“What the fuck?” I screech, sending Nicky scrambling off the ladder. How are they together? Did the head of La Sombra make a surprise visit to Manhattan?

“What’s wrong?”

I grasp my phone tighter, hiding the screen against my chest. Even as the rage starts to boil over, I have enough sense not to show Nicky a view of his boss fucking Esmeralda from behind. Her groans fill the air, and I’m filled with the most perverse need to watch.

I need to see it with my own eyes.

I lower the volume as I watch the muscles in Marco’s perfect ass strain as he rails into her. He fists her hair in one hand, free hand groping her ass. It’s like a car wreck, gruesome and so disturbing, but I can’t tear my gaze away.

I’m going to kill Marco.

I’m literally going to chop off his cock and then shoot him in the face.

How can he do this to me?

Hot tears threaten to spill over, but I clench my jaw and find the icy calm. Blood of the dragon, right? I’ll make him pay for this betrayal. As I continue to watch the nightmarish scene, my gaze settles on Marco’s hand.

His left hand.

Which is curiously missing a wedding band.

That cheating bastard… no, wait. Clearing my head, I force a deep breath into my failing lungs. I pause the video and zoom in on his ring finger. The white band of skin beneath the platinum band is non-existent.