“They were, and in some ways, they were much the same.” He pauses and inhales a long breath, something he does to ensure he has my full attention. “I only ask that you not discount a possibility simply because it does not perfectly fit in line with your life plans. Love works in mysterious ways.”
“Maybe,” I mumble. I’m certain about one thing, though, love could never be mysterious enough to convince me to marry Lei Wang.
A blonde head of hair zips past the elevator as I step out. I trail the tight mini skirt and translucent blouse for a long moment before mentally cursing myself. Melanie is off-limits. She is my executive assistant, and that is all. Actually, at the moment she won’t even speak to me so I’ve been forced to tend to all my administrative matters myself.
I can’t even complain to Nico about it because he’ll only tell me this entire situation is my own fault. And he’s not wrong. I saunter into the office and shoot a flirty smile toward Janey at the front desk before I internally chastise my complete lack of self-control. Dio, I just can’t help myself. The young twenty-two-year-old has only worked with us for a few weeks now so I haven’t had the pleasure of her company just yet.
No, not at all. Never. Janey is also off-limits.
Maybe if I say it enough, I’ll start to believe it.
Nico is right anyway. What’s that saying? Don’t eat where you shit or something? There are millions of single women in Manhattan I can fuck. There’s no reason I should be limiting myself to the office. I’m doing the city’s eligible bachelorettes a disservice, really.
Now, I just have to rope in my wingman.
Forgoing my office all together, I march into the next one over, my brother’s. I swing the door open, and a sharp feminine gasp echoes across the room.
Oh, shit.
My brother’s girlfriend is sprawled across his desk, her tits bouncing as his head bobs between her thighs, her movements against him coming to an abrupt stop.
“Mother trucker, get out!” Maisy squeals as her eyes meet mine over Nico’s head.
I barely suppress a chuckle over her ridiculous curse, typical for her, and school my expression. I wish I could say this was the first time I’d caught my brother and his girlfriend in such a scandalous position, but after living with them for a few months, I’d seen it all. I’m fairly certain I’m more familiar with Maisy’s body than most of the women I sleep with.
I drop my gaze, but my feet remain planted to the spot. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before, Mais.”
Nico’s head finally pops up and he drags his girlfriend’s skirt down to cover where his head had just been. He whirls at me, blue eyes dark and murderous. “Get the fuck out, coglione,” he hisses, his chin glistening with her arousal.
I can barely hold the straight face for a minute longer. My brother is so completely whipped by this woman I almost feel sorry for him. I remember when he used to have women on their knees for him, not the other way around.
“Have you ever heard of a lock? You know you have one on your office door. For privacy…”
“Just get out, Marco.”
“But I have to talk to you about something,” I finally mumble.
“And it can’t wait?” he snarls.
“No. I know how you two are. You’ll be at it for hours.” I toss him an I-swear-I’m-not-jealous smirk. “Besides, Mel needs a few more details from you, Maisy, about your charity’s opening fundraiser next month.”
Nico’s girlfriend’s eyes light up, and she practically leaps off the desk as she buttons up her top. She’s so easy. There isn’t anything that woman cares more about than my brother, but her new foundation for abused women comes in as a close second. And Nico being the bleeding heart that he is, has donated millions for the cause. Sometimes I wish I could just hate Maisy, but she’s one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. I still don’t understand how Nico snared her, especially after their rather questionable start.
Maisy whizzes past me, tugging down the hem of her skirt and running her hands through her mop of wild auburn hair.
“Careful, don’t trip,” I call out as she passes. The woman may be beautiful but she’s an accident waiting to happen.
A smack to the side of my head whirls me around to face a pair of seething sapphire orbs. “Don’t be an ass,” Nico hisses.
“You’ve got a little something over here.” Smirking, I make a move to wipe at his chin, but he jumps back. “Damn, Nico, you won’t even let me touch her c?—”
“Don’t even say the word,” he snarls. “I don’t want to associate anything regarding my little fox with you.”