Page 63 of Wicked King

I press my finger to his lips, cutting him off. “Let’s talk about it later, okay?” All of our discussions tend to take an animated turn, and a public fight with my new husband wouldn’t exactly solidify the united front we’re attempting to portray.

His head dips, and his nose accidentally brushes mine. My gaze lifts to meet his and our mouths hover only a heartbeat away. My breath hitches as thoughts of that kiss at the church whirl to the forefront of my mind. How is it possible to despise someone so much and yet be so attracted to them in the same instant?

The clinking of glasses rings out, a symphony of tinkling crystal, and Marco’s mouth melts into a devious grin. “I guess we should make the audience happy.”

“I don’t know…” I rasp out, but my traitorous lips have already inched closer.

“If the Triad is to back off, we need to make them believe our arrangement is a solid one.”

“And a kiss is going to do that?”

“Fuck if I know, spitfire, but it sure as hell would make this performance more pleasant for me.” Again, with that smirk.

“Why would you enjoy kissing a woman who despises you?” Despite the bite of my words, my body leans into him as we smoothly move across the dancefloor.

“Maybe I like a little challenge…”

And a challenge he would get.

“Come on, just kiss her already!” From over Marco’s shoulder, I catch sight of his half-brother, Dante, practically bashing his fork against the champagne flute.

“Ass,” Marco mouths as he spins around to glare at the notorious Valentino.

“Fine,” I grit out. “Just do it, or they’ll never stop.”

“Dio, you really know how to charm a man.” His bottom lip juts out as if he’s truly offended.

Rolling my eyes, I capture that pouty lower lip, drawing it between my teeth. Whoops and cheers explode around us as I nibble on the pillowy flesh.

“You better not draw blood,” he mumbles against my lips, and I’m honestly shocked I’m able to make out the garbled words.

His hand creeps up my bare spine and his fingers dig into the hair at my nape before he dips us so low, the top of my elaborate updo nearly touches the lacquered parquet. How he manages to sustain the kiss while sweeping me across the floor is pretty impressive.

“This bare back is truly scandalous, Mrs. Guo.” His fingers dance along my bare skin as he whispers. “I may have to tear the eyes out of every guest in this room for daring to look at what’s mine.”

When we finally straighten, I’m completely breathless from the fiery kiss and the risky dance move. The lyrics of the end of the song echo in the background, and Marco mouths the words. I’m not certain he realizes he’s doing it.

“Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight”

My heart pinches, and a wave of regret batters my insides as those mesmerizing eyes lance into mine. Why did I say I wanted an open marriage? Because I’m too embarrassed to admit the truth? That I may actually like this man… I’m such an idiot.

“There, that should keep them off our backs for a little while, at least.” That trademark smirk falls into place as the song comes to an end, and he releases me, leaving my body cold at the sudden absence of his.

Which reminds me… “Why did you choose that song?”

He shrugs and starts to back away as the dancefloor begins to fill with our guests. “I told you, it was random.”

“Well, I liked it.”

His eyes widen as he regards me. “At least I managed to do one thing right.”

I open my mouth to respond, to tell him he’s done more things right than I care to admit, but a shot rings out, stealing the words from my lips.