Page 5 of Wicked King

I’d hoped a quick fuck would get my mind off things, but even Mel’s throbbing pussy isn’t enough to clear my jumbled thoughts. Damned Nico. This is all his fault. I can’t stop thinking about his request.

My brother has never asked me for a single thing our entire lives. Me, on the other hand, I’ve definitely been the needy one between the two of us. Despite being identical twins, Nico was technically born ten minutes before me and as a result, has taken the older brother role to heart. I always allowed him to take care of me. He enjoyed it on some level, so what was the harm?

But this ask is just too much.

He can’t seriously expect me to marry this Jia girl.

“Marco…” Mel whines.

I blink quickly and realize I’ve stopped moving. She rubs her ass against me, sliding her wetness across my shaft and I start to thrust again. I’m so distracted my dick is starting to get soft.

“Come on, baby, I’m close.” She grabs my hand and tugs it between her legs, rubbing her needy clit against my palm. “Don’t you want me to come?”

“Fuck, Mel, I’ve got a lot on my mind.” I jerk my cock out of her before I go completely limp and embarrass myself.

She lets out a groan of frustration and flops down on the bed.

“Finish yourself off,” I hiss as I stuff my dick back into my boxers, then pull up my slacks.

Mel spins around and scrambles to the end of the mattress. “You’re an ass, Marco.”

“Maybe, but I’m also your fucking boss.”

“And you’re living in my damned apartment,” she barks as she squirms into her panties and tugs down her skirt.

“Clearly, that was a mistake,” I mutter before I can stop myself.

“You’re right, it was. Get out.” She buttons up her blouse, and bright blue eyes sear into me.

“You’re joking, right?”

Her pink lips press into a tight line, and she shakes her head. “No, I’m not. I can’t keep doing this. It was one thing when we were just screwing, but you’ve been living with me for months now, Marco. And nothing has changed. I don’t want to sneak around anymore. If you want to keep doing this, then let’s make it official.” The hope in her eyes is worse than a kick to the balls.

Sure, I like Mel, but I don’t do official. The only reason I’ve been living with her for the past three months is because my brother kicked me out of our penthouse when Maisy moved in. I’ve been too lazy to find a place of my own. A part of me kept wishing Nico would take me back, that surely this thing with Maisy wouldn’t last.

Damn was I wrong.

“I’ll take your silence as my answer.” Mel huffs out a breath and disappears into the attached bathroom. The door slams behind her with a depressing ring of finality.

I stand there like an asshole for an incredibly long moment before my brain finally starts to function again. I scan the room while reaching for my duffle bag beside the bed, noticing my t-shirts strewn across the floor. Three months and I hadn’t even unpacked. Mel offered me half her closet after the first week.

Maybe I have been a bastardo, leading her on all this time.

“I expect you gone by the time I’m out.” Mel’s voice seeps through the crack in the bathroom door.

“Right,” I mumble back. It’s not like we’re not going to see each other in half an hour at the office. Fuck. Maybe Nico hadn’t been completely off base with his incessant hounding about not messing around with our admin staff.

Once I shove everything back into my bag, I stagger out of her apartment and slam the door behind me.

Staring out onto Park Avenue and the sprawling skyscrapers surrounding Gemini Tower, I heave out a breath. The city moves in a frenetic pace, but I’m somehow still stuck. I spin my chair back around to face the sleek glass desk and reach for my phone once again. I’ve texted four of my consistent hook-ups and each one has denied me a temporary place to stay.

What the actual fuck?

The door to my office swings open and my brother darkens the entryway. His lips are pulled into a snarl, and his wavy hair looks like a storm rolled through. Fuck. Melanie must have ratted me out.

“How many times did I tell you not to fuck our assistant?” he roars.

Yup. Busted.