Page 42 of Wicked King

“Let’s go, then, spitfire.” I yank on the knob and hold the door open, hoping she’ll back out. “Wait a second, I thought Arianna was coming to help you work on the boutique.”

“Damn it,” she hisses, and her lips screw into a pout.

“Maybe next time then?—”

“No!” She pulls out her phone and her fingers fly across the screen. “That’s what assistants are for, right? She can handle the shop for a few hours.”


Jia spins for her purse and drops a kiss on her grandfather’s forehead. “We’ll be back soon.”

“Be careful, baobèi,” he calls out, but she’s already whizzing past me.

I throw her grandpa a reluctant shrug, and he responds with a sly grin. Why do I feel like I’m the only one who’s going to get utterly screwed in this relationship? And not in the good way.

Max pulls the limo up to the old electronics store we commandeered from the Four Seas last year when we were making some strategic moves in China Town. It’s ironic that this is where Jimmy chose to bring the Four Seas’ former right-hand man.

My driver for the day rolls down the window separating the back of the car from the front, and my fiancée slides to the edge of the seat across from me. Shockingly, she barely spoke a word the entire ride.

“You want me to go in with you?” Max asks.

I requested to borrow Max today instead of my usual driver, Rick, because of my brother’s driver’s rather specific skill set. “No, I want you to stay in the car with Jia.”

“What?” she shrieks.

“You heard me.” My steeliest glare does nothing but irritate her more.

She leaps toward the door and wraps her hand around the handle before I get my arms around her. “Let go of me!”

“Not until you stop fighting me.”

“Never!” She kicks and squirms as I move to pin her body beneath mine in the backseat.

“Damn it, Jia. Why do you want to see this?” I wrap my fingers around her wrists, holding them in one hand. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with this life?”

“I don’t! But it’s not like I have a choice, do I?” she spits. “You can’t protect me from everything, Marco. I’m not going to be your little kept woman.”

With her wiggling like mad and my body pressed against hers, an unexpected wave of heat surges below my belt. She fights against me and gets one hand free and slashes her nails across my cheek.

“Get off me!” she howls.

The bite of her nails only awakens the beast I keep buried beneath my layers of charm. Nico may have always seemed like the darker one, but I’ve simply done a better job at hiding my true self. Losing Isa broke something inside me, and I hadn’t ever been able to mend the pieces.

The more she struggles the harder my cock gets, straining against my slacks. Her cheeks flush, and I know it’s not only from the exertion of the fight. Her pupils dilate, the pitch night growing darker. “You like it rough, spitfire?” I purr as my hips instinctively begin to move against her.

A satisfying rush of air parts her lips, and she instantly freezes as my cock rubs across the apex of her thighs. With only her flimsy yoga pants, she must feel every inch of me.

“No,” she hisses, but the coarse hitch to her tone says otherwise.

“Must I fuck you into obedience?”

“No!” Still, I could swear she rocks her pussy against my hard length. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

“If I let you go do you promise to behave?”

“No,” she spits. “I’m going in there with you whether you like it or not.”

“Do I have to cuff you to this car to ensure compliance?”