“No, you weren’t.” I cradle his face with both my hands now and sink down closer so our chests are flush. “You were just a boy trying to survive. That poor girl didn’t deserve to die, but you can’t hold yourself responsible for some drug dealing asshole with a gun.”
“But she never would have been there if it weren’t for me.”
“And Qian never would have been in your sights if I hadn’t killed my father.” I snag my lip between my teeth. “And still, I blamed you for his death.”
His head dips, and he releases a slow, pained breath. “After Isa, I vowed never to get attached, never to fall in love because it hurt too damned much. I’d already been abandoned by my mother and father. Isa had no fault in her abandonment, but still, I was left alone.”
“Never again.” I capture his lips, pouring every ounce of love I feel for this man into that kiss. “You’ll never be alone again now that I’m here, and I vow never to leave you, for as long as we both shall live.”
A rueful smile parts his lips as I echo the words of our marriage vows. “I love you, Jia,” he whispers against my mouth before he sinks his cock inside me. “And now, I’m going to show you exactly how much.”
When we reach the corner of Gansevoort, the street is closed off, hundreds of people filling the area in front of my boutique. “What the…?” My head spins to Marco.
“What? It’s the grand opening of CityZen, right? We had to go big.”
I try to peer over Rick’s shoulder as he maneuvers the car through the immense crowd gathered. Not only are there people everywhere, but some sort of a stage stretches across Gansevoort Avenue.
I shoot my husband a questioning glance as a tornado of nerves lash at my insides. “What did you do?”
“What I had to do to ensure the success of my wife’s new business.” He pulls me into his side and rewards me with his trademark panty-dropping smile. It’s a good thing I’m not wearing any. “Did you know that between the Valentinos and Rossies, we have a pretty decent portfolio of the fashion high and mighty?”
“You went to Luca and Dante?” I know my husband’s relationship with his half-brothers is strained on a good day.
“Only for you, spitfire.”
Rick pulls the car up to the back entrance of CityZen, the crowd parting at our arrival, and I see it. It’s a runway filled with models and rows of seats lining both sides. Marco planned a full out fashion show for the grand opening.
“Oh my God, I love you!” I throw my arms around the back of his neck and squeeze so hard I take both our breaths away. “When did you have time to do all this?”
“I told you, Mel and Ari were on it. We’re pretty damned lucky to have such fantastic assistants.”
“And I’m beyond lucky to have the most amazing husband in the world.” I smash my lips to his, reveling in his familiar taste and touch. If we only had a few more minutes, I would have thanked him more thoroughly, but there is always tonight.
When Rick opens the back door, shouts and applause ring out from every corner. Light bulbs flash as Marco and I step out, and a dozen paparazzi push mics into our faces. He ushers me through the mob, much more familiar with this sort of fiasco than I am.
We reach the stage, and guards move in around us as we rush up the steps, Nicky’s familiar bulky frame slowing the manic fluttering of my heart. Then Marco hands me a mic, and heat flushes my cheeks, the mad drumbeat skyrocketing once more.
“Say something to your fans, spitfire,” he whispers. A glint of mischief lights up his mismatched irises. “This is your show, after all.”
Right. Drawing in a breath, I try to think of something smart and witty to say, but my tongue is hopelessly tied. I can already see the models showcasing my designs lining up behind me beneath the glittering lights.
It’s so surreal.
“Thank you,” I murmur against the mic. “Thank you all for joining us to celebrate the grand opening of CityZen. I hope you find as much joy in my designs as I did in crafting them. Each piece represents a journey of personal catharsis, a revelation that allowed me to embrace my true self—with its scars and flaws and all.”
Marco’s arm tightens around my waist as heat pricks at the back of my eyes. I’m so overwhelmed with emotion I can barely speak. So instead, I hand the mic over to the emcee Marco has hired for the event and press my palms together before dropping my chin to my chest. “Thank you, again,” I mouth over the roar of applause.
The fashion show was a hit, the grand opening of CityZen completely phenomenal. I sold every single piece I’d prepared for the event and I’m so keyed up by the enthusiasm, I have new ideas popping into my head non-stop.
I stand atop the runway with Marco at my side as the crowd has finally dissipated. The lights are still on, beaming rays against the stage. Nico, Luca, and Dante and their significant others litter the area, drinking from the full bar set up along the sidewalk. Arianna is already busy setting up the deliveries with Mel’s help.
My phone buzzes again, and though I’ve been ignoring most of the messages, this one I read because it’s from Yéye. I’ve been sending him pictures all night and he even FaceTimed with me to see the fashion show live.
I smile at his congratulatory message before the sound of my husband clearing his throat draws my attention away from the screen. I glance up and see… nothing.
“Down here.” Marco’s rough voice immediately sets my heart fluttering.
He’s on one knee, holding a red velvet box in his hand.