Page 53 of Claiming Chaos

“At least put a binding spell on her first.” I called back most of the flames, leaving behind a small amount, which she could easily extinguish if she stopped running in circles.

“Patrice is mixing more. We’re out.”

“You don’t need a potion. Simply say the incantation.”

She nodded and held a hand toward the burning woman. “Standing tall or on your knees, in the name of the goddess, I force you to freeze.”

The woman stopped instantly, a look of sheer agony contorting her features as the small fire reached her scalp. If it were up to me, I would let her burn. Ash, on the other hand, wanted the woman alive, so I called back the fire, ending her suffering.

“Holy crap. It worked.” Ash shook her head in disbelief.

Patrice poured the orange liquid onto the air witch’s head and lowered her to the ground to sleep. “She needs healing.”

“Not our problem.” Ember swung her sword at a man. He blocked it with his own blade, the sound of metal hitting metal resonating in my jaw, making it ache.

With Ember taking care of him, only one adversary remained. The shadow witch standing off to the side, straining to keep the scene cloaked. Miles gathered another ball of energy between his palms and hurled it at the man. It hit his chest, and he gasped, his cloak rolling back into him, exposing us all.

“Shade!” Ash shouted as she kneeled by Patrice, helping her mix a spell.

“On it.” He gathered his shadow magic and sent it outward, hiding us from view once again.

Patrice poured her sleeping potion on the shadow witch while Ember knocked the other man to the ground. She pinned his shoulders, and Patrice covered his head with the potion as well, neutralizing our final adversary in this battle.

But the war had only just begun.

A low vibration rolled outward from the church, making the fine hairs of my arms stand on end. The energy around us shifted, the thickness indicating Chrys’s summoning had nearly reached its apex.

“We must go.” I stormed toward the church entrance, but before I reached the door, my brother’s energy registered in my body and I froze. “Ash?”

She slung her restocked bag over her shoulder and rushed toward me. “What’s wrong?”

“I sense Mayhem, but she has tricked me before. Is he here?”

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. “I think so, yes. Wait, maybe not.”

I opened my senses to his vibration, expecting it to wash over me. Instead, it ceased. “Did she summon him only to vanquish him again?”

“I don’t know.” She snapped her head to the right. “Uh oh.”

I followed her gaze to find a massive rift two yards away, where a swarm of fae poured through.