Page 60 of Played

“I know it.”

“I’ll see you in a minute.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

It’s weird. I never knew I was the type to use those three words all the time, but it feels right saying them to Freya. As a matter of fact, if I didn’t tell her I loved her all the time, it wouldn’t feel right. The words slide off my tongue like butter. When we get to my place, we’re not in the door two minutes, when Trudy shows up. In fact, I’m not even stripping down to take a shower, as there isn’t time, before I have to answer the call from my main security guy at the gate. “Aye, let her in. That’s Trudy.” I confirm. I’d let him know that we were expecting a guest, but with all that’s been happening, they insist on physical confirmation first, before allowing anyone entry.

“Hey, Trudy.” I say, as I open the front door. “Come on in.”

She ignores me, not saying hello, or anything. She addresses Freya first, with a direct voice, like she’s pissed. “Oh, good. You’re alive.”

Freya’s face falls. “How did you find out?”

“Maverick. When were you going to tell me you were almost fucking killed, huh? How come I had to find out through him?”

“What were you doing with my brother, is the more important question here.” I intervene. “As you can see, Freya is fine.”

“Shut up, Ethan.” She raises a hand to stifle me, not looking my way, but I don’t take offence. Then she addresses Freya again. “So this lunatic came after you in Scotland? And how come I’m the last to know?”

Freya is defeated. She sits down, sighing, patting the table. “Come. Sit.” She says, and Trudy listens, like a trained dog. “I’m sorry. There really wasn’t a chance. I just got home earlier, had a sleep, packed some things, and now I’m here.” She explains, using a slight lie, but I get it. She didn’t want to worry her best friend needlessly. There was nothing that Trudy could have done, anyway.

“Is that your duffel bag I see?”

Freya nods. “Aye. Ethan insists that I stay here for safety, just until things settle down.”

“Well, are you okay? I mean, what happened?”

“Nathan Mackenzie and Wesley Higgins came after me, but Ethan and two of his security team were there and got them. Higgins is dead, but who knows what’s going to happen to Mackenzie, and the other guys that kidnapped Peg are still at large.”

“But you’re okay?” Trudy asks, worry still registered all over her face.

“Aye. I’m fine. I’ve been to the doctor to get checked out.”

Trudy sighs, raking her hands through her hair, with her head down.

“I’m sorry, Trudy. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

I stand there, wondering if I should leave them, and go take a shower, but something is keeping me there. Something in the tone of Trudy’s voice is shaky, and I’m not sure if Freya is picking up on it, or if I’m just imagining it. After all, I don’t know Trudy all that well.

“Is boss man having a shit? Does he know?”

Trudy shakes her head, as she still faces the table. “Not that I’m aware of.” She answers, and I hear it. Her voice cracks. Freya and I exchange a look.

“God, Trudy. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

The gasp is clear and audible. “God, it’s not that.” Trudy states. “I mean, I’m glad you’re okay and all.” Another gasp, as she lifts her head, and I can see the tears pouring down her cheeks. Freya lifts to go embrace her friend, holding her tight, as she sits, and starts to blubber.

“Is everything okay, Trudy? Did something happen while I was away?”

“Oh, God, Freya, it’s a nightmare.” She sobs, mewling.

“What…what is it, Freya?”

“Oh, God, Freya. I don’t know what to do.” She pulls back, crying her heart out.

“Tell me. Tell me what’s wrong.” Freya demands gently.