Page 80 of Hard to Take

She’s at home this week and her friend Ruby is scheduled to visit from New York. She’s been looking forward to seeing her friend since they decided on it a few days ago. I’m glad they’re going to get some time together. Between working her ass off finding new gigs and helping Nova with her bookings—not to mention talking me down when I get up in my head about for this shoe contract—she deserves a break.

“What about Clay?” Jay interrupts.

The hollers die down.

Our tattooed forward, occupying a seat in Jay’s row, shakes his head. “I’ve been to the all-star game enough years. Nova and I are going to the beach.”

Jay looks around. “Is there anyone else in contention?”

Chloe clears her throat. “I’m not looking for nominations, Jayden.”

Two guys in the row ahead exchange looks, probably at her using his full name.

“Besides,” she goes on. “Garrett deserves it. Anyone else have comments?”

There’s only support from the rest, but by the end of the meeting, one thing’s clear.

If I thought Jay was thawing toward me, I was wrong.

* * *


I’m waiting at the airport when Ruby gets off the plane in her cashmere sweatsuit and oversized Versace sunglasses.

“I need an eye mask. My dark circles are about to declare their own zip codes,” says my friend.

“You look fucking fantastic.”

We hug, and love washes over me. It’s only been a month since I saw her face, but I missed her like crazy.

“I have a spa visit booked,” I say.

“Thought you were short on cash?” she asks as I insist on taking her carry-on bag. We head through the airport to the parking garage.

“I’ve been working for Nova. And I just got paid for this Vivaro campaign.” The funds hit my bank account, alleviating the ever-present fear of whether a new partner will actually follow through and pay you what they promised, when they promised it.

We drop off her bag and head to the spa together. I’ve been looking forward to this since I booked it.

At the front, we fill out the forms. Then I produce a credit card.

The sales associate waves. “Oh, no. It’s already been covered.”

“By whom?” I ask.

“Mr. Garrett says it’s his treat.”

Ruby’s eyebrows rise through her hairline, but she waits to ask questions.

“So catch me up,” Ruby says as we take our spots next to each other for pedicures.

“I’ve been dating… Giles,” I say, changing Miles’s name deliberately so we’re not overheard and turned into gossip fodder.

“Dating, huh? It’s been a minute for you.”

I fan through the color swatches. Pink. Purple. “I mean, we’re already living together, so that’s practically the same thing.”

“It’s not and you know it. There are levels of intimacy that have nothing to do with where you brush your teeth and where he does.”