Page 7 of Always Been You

"You think I'd answer the phone if I were with someone?"

"If it's me calling, yes."

She wasn't wrong, but he didn't tell her that. "I'm out on a run."

"Oh, good. I think I noticed some love handles hangin' off your six-pack," she teased.

"Are you back on dry land?" His grandma had been on a three-week cruise to the Bahamas. It was his eightieth birthday gift to her. She'd always talked about wanting to go on one, but he knew that she'd never pull the trigger, so he did it for her.

"Yes, sir. We docked an hour ago. I just checked into my hotel."

"Did you already grab the lotions and shampoos?"

Daisy Steele took frugal to an art form. He couldn't remember her ever buying condiments, she "collected" them from fast food restaurants and dedicated an entire drawer to store them. She also had "good plastic" that she washed and stored like it was fine china, also collected from fast food establishments.

"Of course I did. I'm not going to have to spend a dime on toiletries for the next six months thanks to this vacation."

"It's the gift that keeps giving."

"Yes, it is. In more ways than one. I met someone."

Shock caused Ethan to slow to a stop. His grandfather had passed over four decades earlier. And even though she’d been single all of Ethan’s life, never once had he heard his grandma mention anything about dating again. "You did?"

"Yes. She's-"


"-thirty and a doctor and lives in Chicago. She's the spitting image of a young Patty Duke. You're going to love her."

Ah, that made more sense.

Ethan had no idea who Patty Duke was, but it didn't matter. His grandma could be setting him up with Emily Ratajkowski, and he wouldn't be interested. Because Emily and Young Patty Duke weren't the woman he was interested in. They weren't Jess.

"I told her my handsome U.S. Marshal grandson was picking me up and she is excited to meet you."

"Really." Ethan's tone was flat, and his lack of enthusiasm was evident.

"You bet she is. Well, more so after I showed her your picture."

Ethan knew what picture she'd shown and if he cared about impressing Dr. Chicago he might’ve been embarrassed.

Nana chuckled. "She was a lot more interested after she found out that you did charity work."

The "charity work" Nana was referring to was a calendar shoot he'd done the year before. Every Fourth of July weekend, every police officer, corrections officer, fire fighter, and paramedic in the county held a charity competition called the Battle of the Badges in Whisper Lake. The money they raised was donated to a different charity every year.

Last year it was decided the different organizations would have competing calendars and the winner would be determined by sales. The fire department won, but just barely.

A couple of years ago it was a boxing match and the boys in blue had easily walked away with the “title.”

This year it was a talent show. Ethan had no plans on participating.

Changing the subject, Ethan said, "I got the email about your flight change. Is everything okay?"

"That's why I'm calling you. I won't be in until tomorrow night instead of the afternoon. I emailed you the new reservation."

"I know, I asked you about it." He was sure this flight change had everything to do with the young doctor that was perfect for him.

"Make sure to wear your uniform when you pick me up. Women love a man in uniform."