Page 38 of Always Been You

He grabbed a white towel from his gym bag and wiped the sweat dripping off his face before making his way across the court.

When he got within a few feet of her he stopped, but she motioned with her hand and jerked her head to the side in what he assumed she thought was covert but actually looked like she was having a seizure. He took another step closer to her and dipped his chin.

"I spoke to Miss Penelope, and she said that you and Miss Myers impressed her."

"Oh, good." As long as Jess was happy about the rehearsal, he was happy.

Plus, he'd never complain about getting to spend two hours touching Jess.

"She did say that you needed to loosen up your hips a little when you thrust."

That sentence was not one he'd ever expected or had ever wanted to hear coming out of his eighty-year-old neighbor’s mouth.

Her eyes darted from side to side. "The trick is to bend your knees."

She didn't move her mouth as she spoke, as if she were afraid someone in the gym was trying to read her lips.

He rubbed the towel over the back of his neck, and as he did, he took a quick scan of the room. To his surprise, there were a few people paying very close attention to their interaction. Living in this town was like living in a soap opera. People created drama for their own amusement.

He ignored the onlookers and turned back to Mrs. Weathersby.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind," he assured her. "You have a good day."

He started to turn, but she stopped him. Her fingers wrapped around his forearm and she began gyrating her hips. "It's all in the knees."

She still wasn't moving her lips as she spoke and now she was looking up at him with crazy eyes, grasping his arm, wearing a strange smile, and rolling her hips around in a circle. Forget him and Jess, this was what was going to have the town talking.

"Thanks." He gently tugged his arm back. "I better get back to my game."

"You let me know if you need any more tips!" She called out when he was halfway across the gym.

Ethan raised his arm in acknowledgment but didn't turn around.

When he reached Kade, he held up his hands for him to pass the ball.

Instead, his friend tilted his head to the side as his mouth curved up in a half-grin. "What was she giving you tips on?"

"Nothing." Jess had made him promise not to tell anyone about their dance. Between that and their faux romance, he felt like he was living a double life. He didn't like that feeling.

"It didn't look like nothing," Kade chuckled before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

He tossed Ethan the ball before answering it. Ethan checked his own phone to see if Jess had messaged him back yet. She hadn't responded, but she'd "loved" his picture. That was progress, at least.

"I gotta go." Kade grabbed his bag.

"Everything okay?"

"Ali's sick. I'm going to go get her."

"I'll drive," Ethan offered as he grabbed his bag and followed his friend out of the gym.

"What?" Kade looked confused.

"That way you can drive Ali's truck back and I'll take Jess home on Sunday."

"You sure?"

An excuse to spend two days in the city with Jess? Yeah, he was sure.