Page 19 of Always Been You

He put his phone away and watched a woman with light brown hair, and a wide, pretty smile make her way through the crowded terminal toward them. "Hi, Daisy! I thought I might’ve missed you."

"Nope, still here. We've just been waiting for our luggage. Dr. Susie, this is my grandson, Ethan. Ethan, this is Dr. Susie."

The woman held out her hand, "Susie is fine."

"Hi, Susie, it's nice to meet you." Ethan shook the woman's hand and felt nothing in the contact. Not like the explosive fireworks that had gone off last night between him and Jess when she'd touched his arm.

"You too."

After a few awkward moments, Susie's smile lifted higher. "Well, it was nice meeting you."

"You, too."

"Ethan's on Facebook. You two should be friends." Nana waved her hand between them before pointing at Susie. "You should send him a request."

"Okay," she politely responded.

Dr. Susie had been a good sport and humored his grandma, but Ethan could tell she was as interested in sending him a friend request as he was to accept it.

"But don't be offended if he doesn't respond right away." Nana hurried to explain, "He's busy with his dangerous job."

His brow furrowed as he gave his grandma a questioning look.

"Dr. Mallory?"

Ethan looked up to see a woman standing to his left with luggage in her hand.

"I have your luggage, and the car is waiting for you."

"Okay. Well, it was so nice meeting you. And Daisy, don't forget to send me those pictures."

The woman hugged his grandma and waved at him before disappearing into the crowd.

"Oh, there's my bag!" Gran pointed to the exact bag he’d tried to retrieve earlier.

He chose not to comment.

"So what did you think?" She elbowed him as they made their way to the parking structure. "She's beautiful, right? And she's a big deal, too. Did you see that she had someone picking her up and getting her bag?"

"You have someone picking you up and getting your bag."

That comment earned him a quick swat to his chest. "You know what I mean. What did you think?"

"She seems...nice."

"Nice? Did you see that caboose? That's better than nice."


"What? She has a nice badonkadonk."

"Where did you hear that?"

"The news."

Ah. Had to be either E! News or TMZ, his nana’s most trusted "news" outlets.

"I think they were talking about one of those Kardashian girls." She placed her hand on his forearm as they came to the crosswalk and she looked both ways. Some things his nana did drove him crazy, but he thought it was sweet that she still tried to protect him from oncoming traffic.