Page 60 of Burden to Bear

Although I didn’t doubt Brock knew exactly what it was the moment he saw it, I loved the response he gave to his niece. “I’m not sure. What do you think it is?”

Izzy didn’t need much time to figure it out. “Those are sunglasses.”

“Oh, you’re right. How could I have missed that?”

“And here’s mine,” I said, holding it out for Izzy to see.

With a bright smile on her face, she said, “It’s the sun. These are perfect for our day on the beach.”

“I’m glad you think so. Now, tell me what you think about what’s on the inside,” I urged her.

Izzy didn’t hesitate to lift her sandwich to her mouth to take a bite. It was clear to see she immediately recognized there were slices of banana in her sandwich, but it took a few extra seconds for her to realize there was something else there. The moment it happened, her eyes widened in disbelief. “It’s peanut butter and bananas and chocolate.”

“That’s right. Do you like it?”

Izzy answered by eagerly taking another bite.

Brock and I laughed. “They’re sweet, but not the same kind of sweet as you get with jelly.”

“I love it.”

For the next few minutes, the three of us ate our sandwiches in a comfortable silence. We exchanged several sweet smiles and watched as the waves crashed along the shore.

Izzy was nearly finished with her sandwich when she asked, “What’s the other one?”

“The other what?”



I had mentioned I had a couple of surprises for her. Since I’d already given her the sandwich, there was only one thing left to share. “Okay, well, this surprise is one that you’ll have to wait a bit for. I hope I can make another trip here to the beach with you and your Uncle Brock before the summer is over and you have to go back to school, but depending on when that’s planned for, I might not be able to come.”

Concern washed over Izzy’s sweet face. “Why not?”

My eyes slid to Brock’s briefly. All I could see staring back at me was warmth and encouragement. So, I returned my attention to Izzy and shared, “There’s a baby in my belly, and he or she is supposed to be here at the end of August, right before you’d start school again.”

Concern turned to curiosity, which turned to understanding. That realization turned to excitement in a matter of one or two seconds. “There’s a baby in your belly?”

Nodding, I confirmed, “There is. And if the baby comes early, I might not be able to make another trip here with you.”

Izzy took a few beats to consider the possibility and quickly came up with a resolution. “Uncle Brock and I can come to your house to help you take care of the baby instead of coming to the beach.”

My heart was instantly full to bursting at her declaration. “I would love for you to come over to do that. Don’t you think you’ll miss the beach, though?”

She shrugged. “We can come back next summer with the baby.”

It was that simple.

Izzy might have been five years old, but she was such a smart, well-adjusted kid. Her logic and reasoning skills amazed me.

“I think the baby would love that,” I told her.

“And we’ll do our best to make another trip here before it gets too late in the summer, so we don’t have to worry about Mia missing out,” Brock added.

Izzy seemed to be more than satisfied with that option, and I couldn’t say I was upset about it, either. I loved that Brock was willing to plan another trip here earlier in the summer, so Izzy wouldn’t miss out and I could join them.

After Izzy finished her sandwich, Brock pulled out some snacks he’d packed. And while we finished eating, Izzy asked no less than half a dozen questions about the baby—whether it was going to be a boy or girl and if I knew what I was going to name him or her yet. She offered up some suggestions of her own, which were adorable.