Page 34 of Gemini Wicked

Ronin gives a surprised snort of laughter and rolls onto his good side to grin at Vasili. “Easy, love. Don’t yuck on his yum. Not Max’s fault he’s got a breeding kink, is it?”

“Yeah, what he said,” Zara murmurs. I feel a warm little spurt of gratitude, because she always defends me. “It’s just a fantasy, Goblin King. Since Ronin doesn’t mind, it’s all good. We gotta let Neo and Max have their own thing too.”

Her tone is soft with understanding because she gets Vasili, she really does, even when he’s being all vile and snaky.

Still, I’m sensing a somber note of sadness and guilt lurking in my fated mate that I don’t like her to feel.

When she fiddles with the glittery tiara she’s tossed onto the end table next to her, with her gorgeous Hollywood face all pensive, I figure out what’s bothering her.

It’s all those awful things Messalina said in front of the whole witching world. You know, about how Zara’s all wicked and selfish and slutty.

How she’s not worthy to wear the witching world crown.

Hearing Zara put him in his place, V gives an annoyed little huff and sulks behind his martini.

But Ronin’s really hard to resist when he’s shirtless and grinning like that.

Especially when he throws one yummy leather-clad leg over Vasili’s lap and rubs a teasing bare foot against V’s thigh.

That makes V unbend enough to give Ronin a sultry smirk.

“Just don’t expect me to throw you a baby shower.” That snake gives a delicate shudder. “You know I despise infants.”

Ronin smolders back at him and slides his sexy toes up V’s inner thigh. “Bet you’d like mine though. Wouldn’t you, love?”

Wow. Okay.

Clearly, Ronin’s all sexed up. Even though the moon’s nowhere near full and no one’s going into heat.

Maybe it’s the adrenaline rush of combat.

Not that I’d know anything about that.

Firing with sudden resolve, I turn my head to peer back at Max.

He too is literally smoldering at V (who hasn’t even bothered to answer Ronin’s question) with his golden eyes flaming and his oblong dragon pupils narrowed to slits. Suddenly I wonder if Ronin isn’t the only guy in our harem Max fantasizes about knocking up.


Max might be looking at Vasili, but he’s wrapped around me, slipping his hot fire sign fingers under my polo shirt to tease my bare abs. He’s attentive and possessive and broody enough about me these days to finally give me the courage to tell him what I want.

Like, for myself.

I clear my throat, give Zara’s pretty feet a gentle squeeze for courage, and sit straighter in his arms. “Uh, Max?”

Max rubs his bristly face into my neck to scent me. “Kotyonok.”

I lick my dry lips. “Will you teach me to fight?”

The whole room falls silent. Like, you can practically hear a mosquito breathe under the crackle and pop of the fire.

“Fight?” Max repeats cautiously, lifting his face from my neck to peer at me. “How do you mean, fight?”

“I mean fight.” My held breath spills out in a rush. “You know, fight fight? Like, with knives and staffs and weapons, the way you and Ronin train all the time?”

Zara’s gaze locks on mine and her plush lips fall open. I read surprise and understanding and concern in her eyes. But there’s something else pulsing through our mating bond that’s an instinct too strong for her to hide.

It’s fear. For me. Because she doesn’t think I can fight for myself.