“That is what I am saying.” Max draws his free hand across his mouth. I wonder if maybe he’s drooling.
“Wow, V!” Neo grins at all of us with his eyes shining. “Why didn’t you tell us? That’s so awesome.”
“Hold on a sec. I’m not sure I’m tracking.” Carefully I start to wiggle off my snake’s still impressive boner so I can think.
But V hisses and tightens his grip on my ass. Clearly, he’s not finished. Definitely a rut situation going down with him (in addition to whatever else). And I’m certainly not opposed to accommodating.
Okay then.
While Ronin sinks down into the tub like his rubbery legs won’t hold him up, then folds his arms over the rim and stares at Max, I wrap an agreeable arm around V’s neck and look expectantly toward our dragon.
“You were saying?” I prompt.
“In his human form, Vasili is very male.” Max’s fangs (which are bigger than Lucius’) drop prominently into view. The orbs of his dragon eyes pulse with fiery heat. “But his dragon form… is both. Both male and female. I have always known this.”
My brain expands to wrap around this whole concept. I’m not turned off by any of my guys expressing every aspect of their identity. The concept of a gender fluid dragon in the polycule doesn’t seem to faze my dragon queen either.
So far, V’s flying snake has always presented to my dragon as male. But I feel like maybe my dragon’s open to other options.
And, Jesus, the thought of V and Max together like that…
“Wow,” I say, low and husky.
Vasili is silent, but I’m guessing it’s occurred to him before that his shifted form is polygender. But he’s still wrapping his complicated Goblin King head around it. It’s totally his private thing to share (or not) when he’s ready.
It’s the other piece of what Max just said that’s hitting him so hard.
“Explain yourself… if you can,” V says shortly. “About the eggs. Lucius, pet, I can barely hear him over your growling.”
Lucius sits back on his haunches with an apologetic look. But he manages to throttle back his wolf’s lusty rumbles.
Guess I’m not the only one who’s having a reaction to the thought of a gender fluid Vasili—even if he’s only non-binary in dragon form—in our harem.
“If your dragon rises tonight,” Max says slowly into the resulting silence, “in that form, Vasili, you are fertile. You can carry eggs. I can smell it. Sweetheart… my God… will you let me—?”
“No,” V snaps. Color floods into his face. “Are you insane? Obviously, no. Dear fuck. The last thing this harem needs is me coiled up in a nest somewhere for months incubating, with you in dragon form brooding over me.”
“Zara will be with us in the nest,” Max says darkly, giving me a look that smokes with purpose. “I will breed her first. You will both carry my dragonets.”
My tummy flutters and my cunt clenches.
It shocks the fuck out of me to realize I’m not totally opposed, for my own self, to this whole breeding and nesting scenario. Max and Lucius have both wanted this forever (except, in Lucius’ case, his fantasy leans toward dens and packs and wolf pups).
Either way, we’ve got Cleo and Messalina and maybe even this insurrectionist demon Mordred to deal with first.
“Well, you can leave me out of that little fantasy.” Vasili sniffs with absolute disdain. “Now you just come over here, Maxim Rasputin, and feed that impregnating dick of yours to Zara.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
My impregnating dick is fully on board.
Since my sovereign has now abandoned that maddening regimen of shots and hormones she deployed to prevent us from breeding, her mating scent has been changing. She smells sweeter. More enticing. More erotic.
In a word, her scent is… riper.
Her body is hotter.