A heartbeat later, the handgun hits the deck and goes off with a deafening bang that sets my ears ringing and leaves a bullet hole in Messalina’s starboard bulkhead. Across the deck, scattered screams ring out. The nearby looky-loos scatter for cover.
Through a tide of fleeing bodies, I stalk from the shadows with a vicious grin. Apparently, when it comes to protecting my mates, I have a violent streak.
Who knew?
If Lover Boy had any sense, he’d stay down, right where I put him, and beg for mercy. Instead, he scrambles to his feet with an offensively catlike grace and shrugs out of his ruined tuxedo jacket.
Does he really imagine he’s going to challenge… moi?
“Well, well, Lover Boy,” I purr like the villain I am. “Look who has a death wish. Bring it on, do.”
I’d love nothing better than a little homicide.
Looming between Zara and the threat, Ronin growls at him, “Haven’t met Vasili yet, have you, mate? I’d bloody well stay down if I were you.”
“Well, he isn’t wrong,” I murmur. “But don’t let that discourage you.”
Typically, I hide my horrible fangs. They’re repulsive, and they don’t retract like Lucius’. This once, I bare those horrid incisors I’m cursed with. I bare them in a bloodthirsty grin.
That’s shifter instinct. An intimidation display.
Sadly, my victim doesn’t appear intimidated. An ugly look lurks in Xiao’s face. He rolls his shoulders with fluid grace and pads toward me with a panther’s deadly intent.
With an idle flick of my casting hand, I send the fallen handgun flying over the rail to splash into the night-dark sea.
Truly, there’s no point taking chances. Mere seconds ago, that thing was pointed at Ronin.
“Know all about you.” Xiao’s menacing glare flickers between Ronin and me—the primary threats he imagines he’s facing. “I know about all of you. I know how you fight. I know how you fuck. I know who you bend for, Pendragon. I even know Romanov snores in his sleep.”
As if!
“Well, I never.” I expel a huff of outrage. “I’ve never snored in my life.”
Lover Boy gives me a sly smirk.
Of course, everyone knows more about us than I’d like since The Inquisitor’s gotten so… inquisitive. But that scandal rag certainly doesn’t come with a soundtrack. Obviously. What this one’s just said proves it.
Still, there’s something happening here that’s very much amiss. Something off with this entire setup. The Ferrari girl and I rarely interacted growing up, and she doesn’t betray the merest flicker of recognition now.
But my identity is no secret, so she’s surely well aware.
With or without my father’s lethal star pupil in his corner, Lover Boy can’t imagine we’re going to let him anywhere near Zara. He’s deliberately provoking all of us, especially our little queen—and not in a good way.
He’s not even a warlock, for fuck’s sake. Trust me to know. So what’s his game?
More to the point, what’s hers?
Cleo Ferrari arrests her sidekick in his tracks with an impatient look and a fusillade of Italian I can’t follow.
Xiao’s fists clench and his jaw knots. But her curt command stops him.
For now.
I saunter over to lurk at Ronin’s side. My boyfriend’s teeth are bared in a savage scowl. Flames flicker and burn in his topaz eyes.
His own gift is rising.
A stern-faced Lucius pads into our path and inserts himself between the warring parties. “Ronin, Vasili, all of you—stand down. Kindly allow me to handle this situation.”