Page 9 of Gemini Wicked

My, my.

Our wolf nuzzles her bare shoulder and smolders at her ex-lovers with his red-tinged eyes. To his beast, those two are sexual rivals for Zara’s bed.

I’m not entirely certain he’s wrong.

Lucius bristles at the pair, but he’s far too mannerly to growl. Instead, he stalks to the rear of our cozy ensemble. He’s searching the crowd, scanning the clump of dancers wiggling under the main deck stage where that perky diva’s still belting out tunes despite the sudden threat of rain.

“Messalina Aquarius,” Lucius snarls at me through his fangs as he prowls past. “Where is she?”

“No idea,” I say briefly.

Wherever the Aquarius queen is lurking, it’s more than obvious that wicked witch is responsible for this entire welcome party. Clearly she’s invited these two troublemakers to spoil Zara’s special night.

And whatever web his black widow protégée is spinning, Nikolai Romanov must somehow be involved.

I grit my teeth and fight viciously through the ugly emotional snarl of my daddy issues.

Meanwhile, Cleo Ferrari tilts her head and looks thoughtful. The rising wind flirts with her burgundy mane.

Ronin and Neo have closed ranks around Zara. No one’s getting past Ronin, of course, but I’m not certain how Neo plans to defend her. Perhaps by hurling a textbook at someone’s head? Or challenging our enemies to a spelling bee?

Instead, our bookworm quietly takes Zara’s clutch.

In case she needs to fight.

For that small gesture alone, for the absolute belief in her it signifies… well, that’s why we all adore him.

“Aw, bambina, don’t be like that.” Zara’s ex-boy toy pipes up again, trying everyone’s patience by speaking. “We weren’t the only ones keeping secrets, were we. You didn’t exactly sashay up to Cleo and me the night we met in Bangkok and say ‘Hey, before I fuck the two of you six ways to Sunday, just wanted to let you know I’m the Gemini queen.’”

“Because I wasn’t,” Zara fires back. “Messalina’s daughter—Cybelle—she was supposed to rule. She was supposed to be the Aquarius queen. I only got shackled with this whole queen gig after Cybelle got killed. That’s what made Messalina the last Aquarius. And me the first Gemini.”

For a heartbeat, Cleo’s brow puckers. Her bony supermodel shoulders tighten with a subtle tension.


That’s the first flicker of genuine emotion I’ve seen from that walking mannequin all night.

Zara plants a hand on her hip. “Besides, hello? I thought you two were fucking mortal. Which I guess you’re not. Since you’re here.”

“You thought what everyone thought. Ensuring the entire mortal world believes the same… well, this has been my role.” The Ferrari girl sighs. “Bene. I never meant to find myself in this position. In this, you are not alone.”

Lover Boy gives a cocky shrug that makes me want to slap him. “Well, we’re here now. No reason the three of us can’t pick up where we left off, right, bambina?”

My breath hisses and my eyes narrow.

Never mind that the thought of another woman—any woman—joining Zara and the rest of us in our bed is revolting. For fuck’s sake, I identified as gay until Zara came along.

But these two, in particular, are joining our polycule over my dead and decomposing body.

Fortunately, my girl shuts him right down. “Yeah, no, not happening. There’s not, like, a vacancy in my bed. And even if there was? My guys and me, we vote on that shit. You two wouldn’t even be on the ballot.”

Neo hasn’t said a word, because he knows this is Zara’s show. But at this, he gives an earnest nod.

Of course, that sweet boy fondly imagined he was straight until Ronin deflowered him.

But it’s clear the Ferrari bitch isn’t getting his vote either.

“You sure we can’t change your mind?” That pure idiot of a Xiao simply won’t take no for an answer. In fact, he’s fool enough to slink toward Zara.