Page 9 of The Substitute

All of us stare at him for five seconds, and then I bust up laughing.

“I love you, Grayson Sterling, but I’m not quitting my job. If he turns into a flaming asshole, I will. But so far, there’s been nothing I can’t handle.”

“She’s a smart woman,” Liv reminds Gray. “Maybe she’ll soften him up.”

I don’t want to soften him up. I like it when he’s gruff with me. He’s never yelled or been mean. He’s just…as I said, rough around the edges.

And when I slipped up and told him I was his sub on that first day, wishing the floor would open and swallow me whole, the hot look he sent me told me that he didn’t necessarily mind.

And that had me…curious. Still does.

“I’m stating for the record that I don’t like it,” Gray announces, and I nod.

“Fine. Noted. Now, are we going to eat or what? I’m starving.” I look over and see Stella tapping on her phone. “Are you calling someone about my moody boss?” I ask.

“No,” she says with a laugh. “I’m texting Sidney. Does shopping tomorrow work for everyone?”

“Works for me,” I reply, and Liv nods. “I might need to have my hair done, too. It’s been a long time.”

I cringe thinking about it. The only thing I worried about in Europe was basic hygiene. My hair hasn’t been done, and I’ve neglected my nails and feet. I need a makeover.

“Spa day and shopping,” Liv says, clapping her hands.

“It’s their personal heaven.” Vaughn laughs, kissing his wife on the cheek.

* * * *

“My hair feels so much better,” I say as the four of us—Stella, Liv, Sidney, and I—sit down for lunch. “It’s amazing what some highlights and a cut can do for a girl.”

“You look better,” Sid agrees and laughs when I pin her with a how-dare-you glare. “You know what I mean. Fresh. Like you haven’t been backpacking through foreign countries.”

“I didn’t backpack through Europe,” I reply. “I’ll have you know that I stayed in hotels and took trains. But thanks.”

“After lunch, we’ll shop,” Stella says, pushing her blond locks over her shoulder as she peruses the menu. “I’m excited. I could use a few new things, too.”

These women always look so classy. Stylish. I’ve never had the gift of being able to choose pretty outfits and style them with accessories, so I’m happy to have help.

Lunch is fun and full of gossip and stories from Sidney about life on tour as a country music superstar.

I’m so damn proud of my sister.

“But I’m ready to be home for a while,” Sid says as we walk out of the restaurant, headed toward Nieman Marcus. “I missed our home here, and Keaton has some projects to work on in his garage.”

Keaton rebuilds old vehicles for oodles of money. He works with celebrities and wealthy customers, and his work is gorgeous.

“So, why does Gray think your boss is a jerk?” Liv asks me as we walk into the department store.

“I don’t think he’s a jerk, but I’ve only known him for a week.”

Sidney scowls at me. “Why would Gray think that, then?”

“I guess Derek has a reputation for being hard to work for.” I shrug and hold up a navy-blue dress, but Stella takes it out of my hands and puts it back on the rack.

“That’s for someone in their sixties,” she informs me, shaking her head.

“Thanks. Anyway, I admit Derek can be abrupt and short, but he doesn’t bother me. At least not so far.”

I glance over at Liv, who’s watching me.