Page 101 of Catastrophe

I wished I could use my hands. I wanted to feel them both. I wanted to be something they use together. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and suckled on the tips of their heads. The corners of my lips stretched almost painfully, and I worried my teeth were hurting them, but they didn’t seem to mind.

The noises coming from them, the hard breathing, the clenched and ground teeth, the restrained whimpers, were heady. Coupled with the sound of my slurping and Charlie leisurely pounding into my soaking wet pussy, it was the most erotic thing I’d ever heard. Ever experienced.

My bonds warned me of the impending orgasm, but it happened too fast for me to stop. They jetted into my mouth, growling with their pleasure and I swallowed as much as I could, but Charlie and I followed them into climax and I screamed, tears trickling down my face as I clamped down on Charlie and he let out a strangled moan.

He stroked my back as he pulled out and my body automatically clenched around him, desperate to keep him inside me, and his thumb popped out of my ass. Wiping my mouth and chin, I sat up and watched Zaide and Baelen as they stared at each other.

Slowly, so, so, slowly, their heads bent together and they kissed so softly that it brought tears to my eyes. They were so lost in their moment of joint pleasure that they didn’t notice as Charlie pulled me into his arms, kissed my cheek and whispered, “Told you, you could thank me later.”



We stayed in the main house since the cabin was too small for us and the food and bathrooms facilities in the main house were more suited for us to clean up and rest after our dip in the river.

Charlie rubbed his hair with a towel as he sloped into the living room, saying, “Pizza’s in the oven,” while I combed Clawdia’s hair. He pecked a kiss on her forehead as he sat down next to her.

“Good. I’m starving,” Clawdia said with an excited wiggle, causing the hair I gathered from her scalp to slip through my fingers as I braided her hair into two thick ropes.

“You worked up an appetite.” Charlie winked and rubbed her thigh before looking over at me. “You good?”

I nodded and Clawdia turned her head to look at me too, just as I tied the band around the last braid. Her violet eyes scanned my face before she took the brush and patted my leg, indicating for me to turn around, which I did, and she started gently dragging the bristles through my wet hair.

I shuddered at the calming touch and she said, “You’re being very quiet, my love. You can talk to us, you know.”

“I know. I think I need more time. I just feel … numb.” My emotions felt distant from me and I still hadn’t processed the past few hours. So much had happened.

“Take as much time as you need, mate,” Charlie mumbled. “We’re here when you want to let it out.”

“No punching trees this time,” Clawdia scolded playfully, and I laughed at the memory. No, I had better ways to express myself now.

Baelen joined us, dressed in Charlie’s clothes, his hair curling at the bottom as it dried, as Clawdia’s fingers deftly braided my hair. “Ah, I have the finishing piece,” he announced and turned on his heel, heading back up the stairs.

“Finishing piece to what?” Charlie voiced my question.

Baelen returned to the room with his fist closed around something. He turned over his hand and opened his fingers to reveal my prayer stone on his palm. I made a choked sound as I picked it up and stroked the engraved names of my gods.

I felt lost without it, abandoned by my gods and without the comfort of touching the familiar object which saw me through years of slavery. But it was in my hands again. Returned to me. And the distant emotions I’d felt came flooding to the surface.

Baelen blurred as I stared at him with teary eyes. “Thank you for returning it to me.”

“I’m sorry it wasn’t with you when you needed it most.”

Charlie nudged Clawdia, and they left the room, heading into the kitchen and making noise as they pulled things from the cupboards.

Baelen crouched and his red eyes swirled hypnotically as he said, “I should have fought harder against the shadow to save you. You saved me from those shots. You sacrificed yourself and lost your stone because of me. I can’t punish myself in a way that wouldn’t hurt you all too, but I promise we will get revenge for the pain the hunters have inflicted on you. We’ll burn their organization to the ground.”

His hand squeezed mine, and I nodded, unable to speak. I didn’t want him to punish himself. He shouldn’t be punished because he’d been possessed. But I didn’t have the word to assure him yet. Pain, sorrow and anger fought for supremacy inside me and I shook as I took calming breaths and looked deep into his eyes. I believed him.

I knew he would seek revenge for me, and a dark corner of my soul rejoiced at that. Being completely dehumanized, thought of as only an experiment and tortured, damaged something inside of me, or perhaps it reopened a wound I thought has healed.

A tear slipped from my eye and Baelen caught it with his thumb, gently brushing it away. “You can be weak with me. I want to be your support.”

“You are.” My voice cracked, and I allowed myself to feel all the emotions battering me for a way out. I gasped as the tears flowed freely and my soul mate wrapped me in his arms.

When I could cry no more, I lifted my head from his chest and he stared at me with somber eyes. “Do you feel better?”

“Not really.” But I sat up, wiped my eyes and tied my stone back on the end of my braid as it had before. “I know it’s probably ridiculous to you considering they are your fathers—”