Refocusing my eyes, I commit the faces of the men playing darts to memory just in case.
The toes of my left foot tap repeatedly inside my boot as more of that fucking unease floods my system.
My target rises from his chair and ambles toward the bar. Since I pulled off my face covering during Lettie’s rescue, there’s a good chance he’ll recognize me. I look away slightly, hiding under the brim of my hat.
“I’ll have another, Tiffany.”
His voice is now etched into my mind. I can’t wait to hear him screaming for death.
“Already told you it was last call,” the bartender tosses back.
“Oh come on,” he cajoles. “One more while we’re waiting for our ride.” English is perfect. No detectable accent, Russian or otherwise.
Unfortunately, if he’s got a ride coming, grabbing him becomes more of a challenge. I need to get him out of here before they arrive.
The bartender has no fucks to give him. “Wait outside for all I fucking care. Darryl’s almost here to pick me up. Bar is officially closed.”
The slime ball ambles close, resting his forearms on the sticky laminate surface. He bends at the waist and whispers, “Don’t embarrass me in front of my boss’s best girl, Tiff.”
My hands tighten into fists at his proximity.
I could kill him in less than two seconds. Slash his throat before he even knows I’ve moved a muscle. Jab the point of my knife squarely into his ear. Kick his knee out and snap his neck on his way to the floor.
No cameras in here. It could all be over in a breath.
However, I need to get intel out of him. No matter how enticing the idea of him dead on a dirty bar floor may be, he can’t talk if I’ve severed his vocal cords or sent him to meet his maker.
I’ll stick to the plan. Can’t let my fucking emotions complicate shit.
Tiffany leans over the bar, lowering her voice and infusing grit into her tone. “I don’t give a fuck if she’s the queen of IKEA. Read my lips. Pay your tab and fuck off out of here.” Straightening her spine, she raps her knuckles on the bar behind me to get my attention. “That goes for you too. Pound your beer.”
I nod at her and pretend to drink my Budweiser.
She cuts off the music and whistles, getting the attention of the two other customers. “Closing time. Finish your drinks and go.”
Grumbles of protest emanate from the game area.
The female who was drinking with my target stands and backs away from the table. She’s dressed nicely in a gray blouse and a knee-length black skirt. My eyes nearly bug out of the side of my head when I notice a large bump at her midsection when she turns to grab her purse from the back of her chair. Taking a second look, it’s evident she’s pregnant.
Was she drinking fucking alcohol? To each their own and all, but that’s a little fucked up.
My eyes fall to the table, and I’m relieved to see a can of what appears to be some type of flavored sparkling water.
As my outrage lessens, Kadin’s words to the bartender swirl around my head.
Boss’s best girl.
Is she possibly Savin’s sister, Katia? The one who the elder Lenkov got pregnant? Or is Skidmark referring to a different boss?
As discretely as possible, I memorize her features. The curve of her nose. The deep set of her brown eyes. Her fair skin tone. Build. Height. Later, I’ll need to describe her to Savin or see if he has a picture. She could be the key to getting to Lenkov.
Wish I could take her right now. Either to help her escape and start a new life or use her for leverage. She presents lots of possibilities. I should’ve brought another guy like Jonesy suggested. With a little help, I could have grabbed her and Skidmark at the same time.
Oh well. Probably not the best idea to abduct a pregnant woman. Even if she’d be safer with me than Lenkov. I’ll stick to the plan and nab Skidmark. Best to confirm who she is before I attempt to grab her.
With the music off, every sound is amplified. When I give up on pretending to drink the beer and set it down on the bar, there’s a rustling coming from the back supply room. My arm hairs stand on end.