Page 167 of Unexpected Heroine

For your safety and to preserve our ability to deliver justice to the victims, please continue relaying information to us for investigation rather than taking matters into your own hands. Especially in terms of identifying upper members of the organization.

She knows I’m planning to deliver justice of my own. Part of me thinks she’s supportive. Whether it was the glint in her eyes when she left here the other day or the cryptic messages she’s sent ever since. I suspect she’s including those little notes in our official communications to cover her ass.


Even if she outright forbids me from interrogating them, it won’t stop me. I’m aware my plans aren’t legal. Don’t give two fucks. Morality and legality aren’t the same thing. Plenty of things are legal, yet despicable. Fighting for what’s right isn’t always clear-cut. It’s messy. The gray areas spill over freely.

Whether sanctioned by the government or law enforcement, this is a war.

And I won’t hesitate to take out the enemy.

So when I get a hit on my facial rec program an hour later, my heart rate spikes, and adrenaline floods my system.

Skidmark, real name Kadin Dean, has finally shown his ugly face tonight in east Tampa.

He was caught on a security camera outside a convenience store where he stopped for cigarettes. From there, the footage shows him walking across the street into a dive bar. So far, he hasn’t exited the bar. The clock is ticking.

Picking up the phone, I get Jonesy on a secured line and lay it out for him. After what Leo told me, the former SEAL is on board with getting his hands dirty. As much as I’d love to do this on my own, I could use the backup. Leo was right; I’m emotionally compromised. Jonesy is a formidable partner. As long as you aren’t a coffee cup, but that’s another story.

His sigh crackles the phone line. “Can’t help, man. Not sure how much longer we’re going to be waiting for the bomb squad to show.”

I grit my teeth in a mixture of frustration and confusion.

Before I can question him, he explains, “Mia’s home security system went offline again tonight. Aaron and I were nearby, so she and Klein sent us over here to check it out. Whoever was here left before we got here.”

Interesting. “What did you find that requires a bomb squad?”

“A package on her bed.”

“Holy shit. What type of package?”

“Don’t know. Small box. Wrapped. Bow and everything.”


I toggle over to my other program, ensuring my home system is operational. All looks good on that front.

“All right. I need to run. Stay safe.”

“T, I’d be there for you if I could. Don’t go alone. Either wait until I’m done or get someone else to back you up. Okay?”

“Got it,” I answer in a clipped tone before ending the call.

While I’m concerned for Mia, she’s safe with Klein. They weren’t at her house when the break-in occurred. Jonesy and Aaron have the package situation in hand. Hopefully, this latest hack of Mia’s system will give her what she needs to identify the person responsible. As much as I may want to be there for her tonight, I can’t.

If I wait much longer, I could lose the tango.

Calling Sawyer, Leo, Shep, or a few other guys doesn’t feel right. It’s late, and they have wives and girlfriends to protect. Quickly checking tracking in the Redleg system, I see Big Al is at Madeline’s again. So he’s out too.

Looks like I’m flying solo.

Skidmark has been a ghost since the night we left him tied up on the floor of that nightmare house.

He hurt my sugar bear. A lot.

And now he needs to pay.

Decision made, I grab an assortment of gear, weapons, and tech. Once in the car, I disable the GPS beacon. In a flash, I’m on the move, heading to a dive bar on the other side of Tampa.